Articles of Association

Chapter One

Article 1 The Chinese name of this group: Zhejiang Digital Financial Technology Federation (hereinafter referred to as the group), the English name: Zhejiang Association of FinTech, abbreviation: ZAFT.
Article 2 The nature of this group is: With the support of the Zhejiang Provincial Government, and with the approval of the Zhejiang Provincial Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, it is registered with the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, and is composed of Zhejiang University (represented by Zhejiang University Internet Finance Research Institute), Zheshang Bank, Jointly initiated by Ant Group, various financial institutions, financial technology industry-related enterprises and organizations voluntarily formed and participated in local, joint, non-profit social organizations to carry out industry self-discipline and services.
Article 3 The purpose of this group is: to abide by the constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, practice the core socialist values, abide by social ethics, implement the central government’s guidelines and policies on digital finance, and unite the forces of Zhejiang’s financial technology industry to provide Member services, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members; standardize and improve industry self-discipline, promote the healthy development of the industry; play the role of bridge and link, promote the construction of Zhejiang's digital finance pioneer province, and promote the high-quality and sustainable development of Zhejiang's economy.
Article 4 This group adheres to the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China, establishes organizations of the Communist Party of China, carries out party activities in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, and provides necessary conditions for the activities of party organizations.
The business supervisory unit of this group is the Zhejiang Provincial Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, the registration and management authority is the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, and the leading party building agency is the Zhejiang Provincial Local Financial Supervision and Administration Commission of the Communist Party of China. This group accepts the business guidance and supervision and management of the business supervisory unit and the registration management authority.
Article 5 The domicile of this group: Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

Chapter Two

Article 6  The service content of this group:
(1) Promote industry exchanges and cooperation. Regularly organize experts, industry insiders and regulatory authorities to conduct discussions on hot issues in the field of digital finance, provide advice and suggestions for Zhejiang to build an emerging financial center and Hangzhou to build an international financial technology center, and serve government decision-making. Carry out multi-level and multi-form forums, symposiums and other exchange activities to promote members to carry out regional exchanges, domestic and foreign cooperation and exchanges, and build a platform for dialogue and exchange in the financial technology industry. Integrate resource advantages, establish a communication mechanism between the financial system and technology companies, deepen cooperation between technology and finance, and improve the overall level of Zhejiang's financial technology industry.
(2) Carry out digital financial research and think tank construction. Organize industry experts to conduct research on the field of digital finance, assist the government in formulating mid- and long-term development outlines and plans for the field of digital finance; collect information through the federation platform, research, compile and publish relevant indices for Zhejiang’s digital finance; and work with relevant institutions to formulate the financial technology industry Develop technical standards and behavioral norms to promote the healthy development of the financial technology industry; compile Zhejiang financial technology industry blue book, digital financial case library and other publications, and establish a Zhejiang digital financial think tank.
(3) Strengthen industry self-discipline and standards. Strengthen the construction of self-discipline culture and participate in the formulation of industry standards, ethical norms, reward and punishment mechanisms, abnormal business catalogs, negative list systems, and self-discipline initiatives and management rules. Guide Zhejiang and drive the high-quality development of the financial technology industry nationwide, and promote the construction of Zhejiang as a leading province in digital finance.
(4) Strengthen the training and evaluation of financial technology talents. Integrate social resources and provide services such as entrepreneurial guidance, management consulting, investment and financing, and innovation cooperation for companies engaged in the financial technology industry. By holding special salons, forum lectures and special trainings, we provide financial technology talent training services and promote the connection of professional talents between schools and enterprises. Accelerate the introduction and training of management talents in the financial technology industry, and participate in the construction of the assessment and certification system for financial technology talents.
(5) Promote industry publicity and brand building. Support and participate in pilot work in the field of digital finance, organize and promote advanced experience, promote brand building and innovative development in the financial technology industry, promote the establishment of "Zhejiang Benchmarks" and "Zhejiang Standards", and create "Zhejiang Characteristics". Strengthen the construction of official information platforms to provide services for expanding the influence of Zhejiang's financial technology industry and promoting the brand of member units.
(6) Support the work of relevant government departments. Focusing on the decision-making arrangements of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, the Zhejiang Provincial Local Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau, and the needs of other regulatory authorities, participate in the coordination of work related to the digital finance field in Zhejiang, and undertake other work authorized or entrusted by the government authorities.

Third Chapter

Article 7  This group can accept corporate members and individual members.
Article 8 Members who apply to join this group must meet the following conditions:
(1) Support the charter of the group;
(2) Have the willingness to join the group;
(3) ) has a certain influence in the business field of the group;
(4) Standardized operations and good reputation;
(5) Licensed financial institutions established in accordance with the law in Zhejiang Province and engaged in digital finance-related businesses, engaged in Comprehensive financial technology platform enterprises with financial business or external financial technology-related services, financial technology subsidiaries established by licensed financial institutions, local financial organizations, technology-based enterprises, as well as technology information companies and academic institutions that provide services to the financial technology industry , intermediaries, social groups and other units; or experts, scholars, and industry representatives in the field of digital finance.
Article 9 The procedures for membership membership are:
(1) Submit an application for membership;
(2) Be discussed and approved by the board of directors;
(3) Go through the registration procedures;
>(4) Membership certificates shall be issued by the board of directors or an organization authorized by the board of directors.
Article 10 Members enjoy the following rights:
(1) The right to elect, be elected and vote for the group;
(2) Participate in the activities of the group;
(3) Obtain the rights of the group Priority for service;
(4) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the group;
(5) Join the membership voluntarily and freely withdraw;
(6) The right to seek legal advice when legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon Supported by the group;
(7) Elect to hold various positions and enjoy honors such as leaders of the group;
(8) Other rights stipulated in the articles of association of the group.
Article 11 Members perform the following obligations:
(1) Implement the group’s resolutions;
(2) Protect the group’s legitimate rights and interests;
(3) Complete the work assigned by the group ;
(4) Pay membership fees as required;
(5) Report the situation to the group and provide relevant information;
(6) Cooperate with the construction, update and maintenance of the group’s official information platform, database, etc.;
(7) Designate a dedicated person to be responsible for liaison with the group.
Article 12 If a member withdraws from membership, he or she shall notify the group in writing and return the membership card.
Article 13 If a member seriously violates this Articles of Association, he or she will be removed from the membership upon voting by the Board of Directors.

Chapter Four

Article 14 The highest authority of the group is the General Assembly. The powers of the General Assembly are:
(1) Formulate and amend the Articles of Association;
(2) Elect and remove directors and supervisors;< br>(3) Review the work report and financial report of the board of directors;
(4) Review the development plan of the group;
(5) Review the annual fee standard of the group;
(6) Decide on the name change of the group , Termination matters;
(7) Decide on other major matters.
Article 15  The general meeting of members must be attended by more than 2/3 of the members, and its resolutions must be passed by more than half of the members present to take effect.
Article 16  The membership meeting shall be held for five years every five years. If the term change needs to be advanced or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the board of directors, reviewed and approved by the business supervisory unit, and reported to the registration management authority for approval. The maximum period of postponement shall not exceed 1 year.
Article 17  The Board of Directors is the executive agency of the General Assembly. It leads the group to carry out daily work during the inter-session period and is responsible for the General Assembly. The number of members of the Board of Directors shall not exceed 1/3 of the total number of members.
Article 18 The functions and powers of the Board of Directors are:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the general meeting;
(2) Elect and remove the president, executive president, vice president, and secretary-general;
(3) Prepare for the general meeting of members;
(4) Report work and financial status to the general meeting of members;
(5) Decide on the admission or removal of members;
(6) Decide on the establishment of offices, Branches, representative offices and entities;
(7) Decide on the appointment of deputy secretaries-general and main heads of various institutions;
(8) Lead the various institutions of the group to carry out work;
(9) Formulate and Review the internal management system;
(10) Decide on other major matters.
Article 19  The board of directors must be attended by more than 2/3 of the directors before it can be convened, and its resolutions must be passed by more than 2/3 of the directors present to take effect.
Article 20  The Board of Directors shall hold at least one meeting per year; under special circumstances, it may also be held by communication.
Article 21  The term of the Board of Directors shall be five years. If the term change needs to be advanced or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the board of directors, reported to the business supervisory unit for review and approval, and then reported to the registration management authority for approval. The maximum period of postponement shall not exceed 1 year. The term of the Board of Directors is the same as that of the General Assembly, and their terms are renewed at the same time as the General Assembly.  
Article 22 The reelection of the Board of Directors shall be nominated by the Board of Directors before the membership meeting, and a reelection work leading group composed of director representatives, party organization representatives and member representatives shall be established;
Reelection work The leadership group shall draw up a reelection plan and shall submit it to the business supervisory unit for review two months before the membership meeting.
Article 23 The president, executive president, vice president, and secretary-general of this group must meet the following conditions:
(1) Adhere to the party’s line, principles, policies, and have good political quality;
(2) Have a greater influence in the business field of the group;
(3) The maximum age of the president, executive president, vice president, and secretary-general shall not exceed 70 years old, and the secretary-general shall be full-time;
br>(4) Be in good health and able to work normally;
(5) Have not been subject to criminal punishment that deprives political rights;
(6) Have full capacity for civil conduct.
Article 24  If the president, executive president, vice president, and secretary-general of the group exceed the maximum age for office, they must be voted by the board of directors, reported to the business supervisory unit for review and approved by the registration management authority Only after consent can you take office.
Article 25  This group has one president and several executive presidents, and implements a mechanism of joint discussion and discussion; the president unit implements an annual rotation system.
Article 26  The term of office of the president, executive president, vice president and secretary-general of the group is 5 years. If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it must be approved by a vote of more than 2/3 of the members at the general meeting, reported to the business supervisory unit for review, and approved by the society registration and management authority before taking office.
Article 27  The president, executive president, and vice president of the group constitute the president's meeting, with the supervisors and secretary-general in attendance. The President's Meeting is responsible for deciding major daily matters of the Federation.
Article 28  The group shall have one supervisor who shall be responsible for supervising the execution of the articles of association of the group.
Article 29  The legal representative of this group shall be the president or executive president. Due to special circumstances, upon recommendation by the president, approval of the board of directors, review and approval by the business supervisory unit, and approval by the registration management authority, the vice president or secretary-general may serve as the legal representative. The secretary-general appointed or openly recruited from the public shall not serve as the legal representative of the group.
The legal representative signs relevant important documents on behalf of the group.
The legal representative of this group does not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other societies.
Article 30 The president of the group shall exercise the following powers:
(1) Convening and presiding over the general meeting of members, the board of directors, and the president’s meeting;
(2) Inspecting the resolutions of the general meeting of members and the board of directors Implementation status;
(3) Other powers stipulated in the group's charter.
Article 31 The Secretary-General of the group shall exercise the following powers:
(1) Preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of the annual work plan;
(2) Coordinate the branches and representative offices , entity agencies carry out work;
(3) Nominate the deputy secretary-general and the main persons in charge of offices, branches, representative agencies and entity agencies, and submit them to the Board of Directors for decision;
(4) Decide on offices and representative agencies , Recruitment of full-time staff of the entity;
(5) Handling other daily affairs.

Chapter Five

Article 32 The funding sources of this group:
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Donations;
(3) Government funding;
(4) Approved business Income from activities or services within the scope;
(5) Interest;
(6) Other legitimate income.
Article 33  This group collects membership dues in accordance with relevant national regulations.
Article 34  The funds of this group must be used for the business scope and career development stipulated in this charter and shall not be allocated among members.
Article 35  The group has established a strict financial management system to ensure that accounting information is legal, authentic, accurate and complete.
Article 36  This group is equipped with professionally qualified accounting personnel. Accounting should not act as cashier. Accountants must conduct accounting calculations and implement accounting supervision. When accounting personnel transfer jobs or leave their jobs, they must clear the handover procedures with the person who takes over.
Article 37  The asset management of this group must implement the financial management system prescribed by the state and accept the supervision of the general meeting of members and the financial department. If the sources of assets are state appropriations or social donations or funding, they must be subject to the supervision of audit institutions, and the relevant information must be announced to the public in an appropriate manner.
Article 38   Before changing the term of office or changing the legal representative, the group must accept the financial audit organized by the society registration and management authority and the business supervisory unit.
Article 39  The assets of this group may not be misappropriated, privately divided or misappropriated by any unit or individual.
Article 40  The wages, insurance, and welfare benefits of the group’s full-time staff shall be implemented with reference to the relevant national regulations for public institutions.

Chapter Six

Article 41  Amendments to the articles of association of the group must be voted and approved by the board of directors and then reported to the general meeting of members for review.
Article 42  The revised articles of association of the group shall be reported to the business supervisory unit for review and approval within 15 days after being approved by more than 2/3 of the members present at the general meeting, and then reported to the registration management authority for approval.
Chapter 7  Termination procedures and property disposal after termination

Chapter Vii

Article 43  If the group completes its purpose or disbands on its own or needs to be canceled due to split, merger or other reasons, the board of directors shall propose a motion for termination.
Article 44  The motion to terminate the group must be voted and approved by the general meeting of members and reported to the business supervisory unit for review and approval.
Article 45   Before the group is terminated, a liquidation organization must be established under the guidance of the business supervisory unit and relevant authorities to clear out claims and debts and deal with the aftermath. During the liquidation, not to carry out activities other than liquidation.
Article 46  The group will be terminated after the deregistration procedures are completed by the social group registration and management authority.
Article 47 The remaining property after the termination of the group shall be donated to public welfare organizations of similar nature and purpose for industry promotion under the supervision of the business supervisory unit and registration management authority and in accordance with relevant national regulations. , project research, organizational training, social research, etc. or all of them may be used for public welfare or non-profit undertakings approved by the registration management authority or stipulated in the charter.

Chapter Eight

Article 48  This group shall establish a party organization in accordance with the provisions of the party constitution and with the approval of the superior party organization. If it is not possible to establish a party organization individually or jointly for the time being, support the superior party committee in selecting party building work instructors, liaisons, etc. to carry out party work in the group.
Article 49  The person in charge of the party organization of the group is generally a formal member of the Communist Party of China among the group’s secretary-general or above. The person in charge shall be submitted to the party building leadership agency for review and approval.
Article 50   Explore the establishment of open party organizations and party groups. If there are more than 3 party members, but less than 3 party members who can transfer organizational relationships, establish functional and expanded party organizations.
Article 51  During the general election of the group, the opinions of the party organization of the group should be sought first; if the group changes, is withdrawn or cancelled, the party organization should promptly report to the higher-level party organization and maintain good relations with party members. Transfer and other related work.
Article 52   This group provides the necessary venues, personnel and financial support for the party organization to carry out activities and do a good job. It includes party building work funds into management expenses and supports the party organization in building activity positions.
Article 53  This group supports "two-way entry and cross-appointment" between the leadership team and the party organization leadership team. The person in charge of the party organization participates in or attends relevant management meetings, and the party organization carries out relevant activities to invite non-party members. The person in charge of the group participated.
Article 54  This group supports party organizations in providing opinions on social organizations’ decision-making on important matters, important business activities, large expenditures, receiving large donations, and carrying out foreign-related activities.