Zhejiang high-quality development and construction of common prosperity demonstration zone implementation plan (2021-2025)

Zhejiang High-quality Development and Construction of Common Prosperity Demonstration Zone Implementation Plan



In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on Zhejiang work, fully implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting the High-quality Development of Zhejiang and the Construction of a Demonstration Zone for Common Prosperity" ", faithfully implement the "Eight-Eight Strategy", strive to create "important windows", and firmly adhere to the five major working principles of adhering to the party's overall leadership, people-centered, co-construction and sharing, reform and innovation, and system concept ”, closely focusing on the "four major strategic positionings" of high-quality development and high-quality life pioneer areas, leading areas for coordinated urban and rural development, income distribution system reform pilot areas, and civilized, harmonious and beautiful home display areas, in accordance with 2025 and 2035 "Two-stage development goals" in 2019, adhere to what the country needs, what Zhejiang can do, what the people hope for, and what the future direction is, be down-to-earth, work hard for a long time, do not overdo it, do not overdo it, and do our best , act according to our capabilities, creatively and systematically implement various goals and tasks in the construction of the demonstration zone, take the lead in exploring the construction of a beautiful society with common prosperity, provide Zhejiang demonstration for the realization of common prosperity, work hard, be at the forefront, and be at the forefront, and specially formulated " The implementation plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan period is as follows.


1. Comprehensive and detailed implementation of development goals


Adhere to the fundamental purpose of meeting the people's growing needs for a better life, take reform and innovation as the fundamental driving force, and focus on solving regional disparities, urban-rural disparities, and income disparities, and pay more attention to rural, grassroots, and relative Focus on underdeveloped areas and people in need, solidly promote common prosperity in high-quality development, accelerate breakthroughs in the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development, and take the lead in achieving theoretical innovation, practical innovation, institutional innovation, and cultural innovation in promoting common prosperity by 2025 In 2016, significant and substantive progress was made in promoting high-quality development and building a common prosperity demonstration zone, forming landmark results.


— - Take the lead in basically establishing the institutional mechanisms and policy framework to promote common prosperity, and strive to become a provincial model for the exploration of common prosperity reform. Using digital reform to leverage the innovation of systems and mechanisms for common prosperity, major breakthroughs have been achieved. Effective markets and promising governments have been better combined, and reforms in the social field have been achieved. Comprehensively deepen and effectively remove the institutional barriers that restrict high-quality development and high-quality life, basically establish an income and wealth distribution mechanism that embodies social fairness, a high-quality public service sharing mechanism, and a provincial integrated development mechanism, and promote common prosperity through finance, taxation, social security, Policy systems such as transfer payments, finance, and land have been basically established, forming a goal system, work system, policy system, and evaluation system for getting rich first, leading to wealth later, and promoting common prosperity, and forming a batch of universal experiences that can be replicated and promoted.


— - Take the lead in basically forming a high-quality development model that is more dynamic, innovative and competitive, and strive to become a provincial example of high-quality economic development. The quality and efficiency of economic development have been significantly improved, and the per capita GDP has reached the level of moderately developed economies. The momentum of entrepreneurship, innovation and creation has been fully released, the total number of market entities has reached 11 million, everyone has development opportunities to display their talents and make their dreams come true, and Zhejiang has basically established a dynamic Zhejiang in the new era. Significant progress has been made in the construction of high-level innovative provinces and three major science and technology innovation highlands, industrial competitiveness has been significantly improved, a high-level transportation province has been basically built, and a rural revitalization demonstration province has been built with high quality. The construction of a virtuous cycle in which industrial upgrading and consumption upgrading advance in a coordinated manner and economic structure and social structure are optimized and mutually reinforcing has been accelerated. The strategic fulcrum of the domestic macrocycle and the strategic hub of domestic and international dual cycles have been basically established. The economy will be virtuous in the process of taking the lead in realizing common prosperity. cycle to create a strong and active growth pole.


— - Take the lead in basically forming an olive-shaped social structure with middle-income groups as the main body, and strive to become a provincial example in which regional, urban-rural and income gaps continue to narrow. The per capita disposable income of residents has reached 75,000 yuan, and labor compensation accounts for more than 50% of GDP. The per capita disposable income of residents is equivalent to the per capita GDP. The ratio continues to increase. The size of the middle-income group continues to expand, the structure continues to be optimized, and the quality of life continues to improve. The proportion of the group with annual household disposable income of 100,000 to 500,000 yuan has reached 80%, and the proportion of the group with annual household disposable income of 200,000 to 600,000 yuan has reached 45%. The gap between urban and rural regional development, the gap between urban and rural residents' income and living standards has been significantly narrowed, the urbanization rate of the permanent population has reached 75%, the difference between the income of urban and rural residents has narrowed to less than 1.9, and the difference between the highest and lowest per capita disposable income of districts and cities has narrowed to less than 1.55. The income gap between high- and low-income groups within urban residents and rural residents continues to narrow, and the income-increasing ability, quality of life, and social welfare levels of low-income groups have significantly improved.


— - Take the lead in basically realizing high-quality sharing of public services throughout a person's life cycle, and strive to become a provincial example of jointly building and sharing quality life. Equalize basic public services and promote higher education, education, income from work, and medical care for illnesses at a higher level , the elderly are provided for, have a place to live, and the weak are supported. A "15-minute public service circle" for preschool education, public health, elderly care, and sports and fitness will be basically established to make public services more universally accessible in urban and rural areas. The infant care service system is more complete. There are 4.5 infant care facilities per 1,000 people. The proportion of children in secondary kindergartens and above and inclusive kindergartens has reached 75% and 90% respectively. The high-quality education system is basically Completed, the main development indicators of education have reached the international and domestic advanced level, the inter-school difference coefficient of county compulsory education has continued to shrink, the gross enrollment rate of higher education has reached more than 70%, the average expected years of education for children has reached 15.5 years, and the average years of education for the working-age population has exceeded The national average level; labor remuneration and labor productivity have basically improved at the same pace, and the proportion of skilled talents in the workforce has increased significantly to 35%; a healthy Zhejiang has been basically established, and the main health indicators of the population have fully reached the level of high-income countries. The average life expectancy exceeds 80 years, and personal hygiene The proportion of expenditures in total health expenditures is controlled below 26%, the supply of high-quality medical resources is more sufficient and the layout is more balanced, and the county-level medical treatment rate is more than 90%; the social security and elderly care service system is further improved, full coverage of social security for statutory personnel is achieved, and basic elderly care is within reach And, high-quality elderly care is comprehensively promoted, and the elderly are happy and productive; the construction of modern basic units for common prosperity is accelerated, rental difficulties are effectively solved, old communities need to be renovated, future communities and new rural communities are promoted across the board, and urban housing The coverage rate of social security benefits has reached 23%; a new era social assistance system with hierarchical classification and urban and rural coordination has been fully established; the increase in subsistence allowance standards has not been lower than the increase in per capita disposable income; and the formation of a digital society shared by everyone has been accelerated.


— ——The beauty of humanity is more highlighted, and we strive to become a provincial example of universal spiritual prosperity. With the in-depth implementation of the New Era Cultural Zhejiang Project, cultural confidence has been continuously enhanced, cultural soft power has been comprehensively improved, new social trends have become more distinct, and social The core values of socialism are to lead and inherit the excellent Chinese culture, embody the spirit of the times, and become a culturally strong province with Jiangnan characteristics. The core values of socialism are widely practiced, the cohesion of the humanistic spirit has been significantly enhanced, and humanistic care has been reflected in every corner of urban and rural areas. The supply of high-quality modern culture in the whole region is more abundant, and the modern cultural service system integrating urban and rural areas is fully covered. The "15-minute quality cultural life circle" and "15-minute civilized practice service circle" have a coverage rate of 100%. The coverage rate of grade-level cultural facilities is 100%. The coverage rate of civilization creation in the whole region has reached 100%, the level of national civilized city construction in 11 districts and cities has continued to improve, and more than 50% of counties (cities) have become national civilized cities. The "most beautiful Zhejiang people" golden business card shines brighter, the realization rate of developing civilized and good habits reaches more than 90%, the quality of the people and the degree of social civilization have reached a new height, and it has become a cultural highland in the new era that is compatible with the province that is the first province in socialist modernization.


— ——The beauty of ecology is more highlighted, and we strive to become a provincial example of the construction of beautiful large gardens in the entire region. The construction of beautiful Zhejiang has achieved new results, and a beautiful China pioneer demonstration zone has been basically built. The comprehensive index of ecological environment status ranks among the top in the country. The average concentration of PM2.5 in districted cities continues to decline. The proportion of surface water that meets or exceeds Class III water quality has increased to more than 95%. Parks and green spaces can be reached within a 10-minute walk from the city. The public ecological environment has been improved. The feeling is significantly enhanced. The implementation of the carbon emission peaking action has achieved remarkable results in promoting comprehensive green transformation, and green industry development, resource and energy utilization efficiency, and clean energy development rank among the best in the country. Lucid waters and lush mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains. The transformation channel has been further expanded, the ecological product value realization mechanism has been fully implemented, and the ecological civilization system has taken the lead in forming.


— ——The beauty of harmony is more evident, and we strive to become a provincial example of social harmony, unity and progress. The overall intelligent governance system led by party building has been basically completed, the construction of China under the rule of law and the Safe China Demonstration Zone have been promoted in an integrated manner, the construction of a clean Zhejiang has been advanced in depth, and the political ecology has been significantly improved. Optimize and further demonstrate the effectiveness of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, basically forming a modern society with organic unity of vitality and order. Socialist democracy and the rule of law have become more complete, social fairness and justice have been fully demonstrated, and citizens’ legal literacy has been greatly improved. In the new era, the "Maple Bridge Experience" continues to deepen, and the national pilot program for the modernization of municipal social governance is fully covered and completed at a high level. The death rate from production safety accidents, the crime rate per 10,000 people, and the lawsuit rate per 10,000 people are declining year by year. The cyberspace is becoming clearer and basically Form a social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing. The closed-loop risk management and safety mechanism has been further improved, and the organic unity of enriching and reassuring the people has been achieved, and the people's sense of gain, happiness, security and satisfaction have led the country.


2. Provide good services to build a new development pattern and promote high-quality economic development as a pilot demonstration


1. Basically forming a new national system for scientific and technological innovation, Zhejiang Path. Take the construction of a high-level innovative province as the starting point, take scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance as strategic support, and focus on "Internet +", life and health The construction of three major scientific and technological innovation highlands, namely, new materials and new materials, will form a comprehensive innovation system with Zhejiang characteristics, create an influential scientific and technological innovation center in the country, and provide strong endogenous driving force for taking the lead in realizing common prosperity. Implement the 100-billion-dollar project with key core technologies, formulate and implement a ten-year action plan for basic research, promote organizational methods such as "unveiling the list" and "horse racing", and promote "peak", "vanguard" and "leadership" Yan's "Pilot" plan will accelerate the achievement of a number of major results that fill gaps and lead the future. Implement a 100-billion-dollar project to build major scientific research platform facilities, focus on promoting the construction of the Hangzhou West Science and Technology Innovation Corridor as a source of innovation and create a comprehensive science center, accelerate the construction of science and technology innovation corridors such as Yongjiang, Huandaluoshan, Zhejiang, and G60, and support them Jiang Laboratory has become the core support of the national laboratory system, accelerating the construction of laboratories in Liangzhu, West Lake, Hupan, Yongjiang, Oujiang and other provinces, supporting Zhejiang University, West Lake University and others in building national strategic scientific and technological forces, and introducing and cultivating a number of high-level new R&D institutions to strive for more major scientific and technological infrastructure projects to be included in national planning and layout. Implement the 100-billion-dollar high-tech industry development project, build high-level national independent innovation demonstration zones in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Wenzhou, promote the construction of a high-tech industrial belt around the Hangzhou Bay, promote the full coverage of national high-tech zones in districted cities, and promote the full coverage of national high-tech zones in industrially strong counties and provincial-level high-tech zones. Covering, the added value of high-tech industries increases by more than 100 billion yuan every year. Accelerate the implementation of a new round of "double growth" action plan for high-tech enterprises and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, and support enterprises to collaborate with scientific research institutes and universities to form systematic, task-oriented innovation consortiums, enterprise communities and intellectual property rights Alliance to build common technology platforms such as technology innovation centers and engineer collaborative innovation centers. Create major application scenarios with "Technology Brain + Future Laboratory" as the core, build a modern scientific and technological innovation governance system, improve innovation incentive and guarantee mechanisms, and optimize the ten linkages of "industry-university-research funding, talent and government introduction, and the United States and the United States" Innovation ecology. Develop national defense science and technology and promote collaborative innovation between the military and civilians. Explore new paths for innovative development in counties and cultivate a number of national innovative counties (cities).


2. Vigorously build a global highland for digital transformation. Deepen the construction of the national digital economy innovation and development pilot zone, build a digital economic system with "industrial brain + future factory" as the core, and accelerate Form digital industry clusters with global influence such as digital security and integrated circuits, achieve full coverage of industrial brain applications and industrial Internet platforms in industrial clusters exceeding 10 billion, and form a new smart manufacturing enterprise group. Basically build a global digital trade center, implement the "335" action for high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce, deepen the construction of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zones throughout the province, continue to promote the "Shop Opening Global" 10,000-store cultivation special action, and prepare The Global Digital Trade Expo actively strives for dedicated international Internet data channels and explores the formulation of digital trade rules and standards. We will carry out in-depth new digital life service actions, carry out cloud-based actions for thousands of enterprises and bring millions of merchants online, introduce and cultivate an open platform for digital life, enrich and enrich online consumption formats such as online education, online medical care, online culture and sports, and build a strong province with new digital life services. . Implement the action of sharing digital dividends for all and formulate policy mechanisms to eliminate the digital divide. Accelerate the construction of the next generation Internet and achieve full coverage of 5G and Gigabit network base stations above the township level. Promote various digital platforms to develop functional modules and interfaces that meet the needs of disadvantaged groups, lower the threshold for the use of new technologies in the public service field, promote digital carriers such as mobile micro courts to benefit the people, improve the inclusive function of digital technology, and ensure that different groups can better share digital dividends . Explore and carry out the construction of digital systems and standards systems, establish basic systems and standards for data resource ownership, transaction circulation, cross-border transmission and security, and actively participate in the formulation of domestic and international rules and standards in the digital field.


3. Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system with international competitiveness. Consolidate and strengthen the foundation of the real economy and lay a solid industrial foundation for common prosperity. Explore the new path of "emptying the cage to change the bird, the phoenix rising from the ashes", and accelerate the construction of a global advanced manufacturing base. In-depth implementation of the manufacturing industry foundation reengineering and industrial chain improvement projects, iterative upgrades of systematic implementation plans, and the creation of ten iconic industrial chains. Implement industrial cluster cultivation and upgrading actions, cultivate "415" advanced manufacturing clusters, implement future industry incubation and acceleration plans, cultivate a number of "new star" industrial clusters, and accelerate the construction of future industry pilot areas. Implement traditional manufacturing transformation and upgrading version 2.0 and create a national traditional manufacturing transformation and upgrading demonstration zone. Strive to create a national high-quality manufacturing development pilot zone and build a number of high-quality manufacturing development demonstration parks and "10,000 acres, 100 billion" new industry platforms. Focus on characteristic and advantageous industries and build characteristic towns at a high level. Strive to create a comprehensive pilot program for expanding the opening up of the service industry, innovate and improve the modern service industry development policy system, accelerate the digitalization, standardization, and branding of the service industry, build a number of modern service industry innovation and development zones, and promote the integration of modern service industry with advanced manufacturing and modern agriculture. Integrate and create a number of pilot areas and enterprises. Deepen the construction of a strong province with quality, standards and brands, build a famous brand, famous enterprise, famous industry and famous origin, implement the "brand word standard" action to expand the scope and improve quality, and launch "Zhejiang Made" and "Zhejiang Service" ;brand.


4. Create a global high-end element gravitational field. Implement a more open talent policy, thoroughly implement the "Kunpeng Action" plan, and promote the "Three Major Talent Highlands Support Action" and The "Six Major Introduction and Training Initiatives" for high-quality talents have been established to build platforms such as the World Young Scientists Summit to create a group of world-class scientists, scientific and technological leaders, engineers and high-level innovation teams, and accelerate the construction of a global talent reservoir. Build a number of talent management reform pilot zones to pilot market-based evaluation of talents, increase the value of knowledge, collaborative innovation of talents, and integration of talent services to stimulate the innovation vitality of talents. Accelerate the construction of a technology trading system that radiates across the country and links the world, intensify the application of scientific and technological achievements and industrialization policies, create version 3.0 of the online technology market and the "Zhejiang Pai" brand, and promote the cross-border and cross-regional flow of technological elements. Build a digital and intelligent regional financial operation system, deepen the construction of a mobile payment province, strive for digital RMB pilots, explore the construction of a "financial brain", accelerate the construction of emerging financial centers, and create a digital and intelligent finance pioneer province. Implement an upgraded version of the unimpeded financing project, further promote the reform of inclusive finance, launch an action to expand first-time borrowers, carry out regional equity market innovation pilots, deepen the reform of the government financing guarantee institution system, strive for rural credit cooperative reform pilots, and build financial services for common prosperity. policy system. Build a modern circulation system, promote the efficient linkage of the "four ports" of seaports, dry ports, airports, and information ports, build national and regional circulation node cities, cultivate globally competitive modern circulation enterprises and business hub markets, and form a The interconnected, smart and green digital circulation system enhances the competitiveness of modern circulation.


5. Expand household consumption and effective investment. Promote the improvement and expansion of consumption, cultivate international consumption center cities, strengthen the construction of community commerce and rural consumption infrastructure, and continue to promote the transformation and upgrading of farmers' markets. Accelerate the cultivation of new consumption models and new business formats, develop new retail, expand new consumption scenarios, vigorously develop the night-time economy, increase the supply of high-quality goods and services, launch the "Zheli Lai Consumption" brand, build new consumption centers, and strive for innovative consumption Demonstration city to strengthen consumer rights protection. Improve the competitiveness of urban living costs, stabilize prices and costs, and improve service quality. Administrative restrictions on consumption and purchases will be lifted in an orderly manner. Promote the smooth transition of domestic and foreign trade integration, build a quick response supply chain industry demonstration park, strive to add departure tax refund shops and duty-free shops, continue to amplify the spillover effect of the China International Import Expo, support exports to domestic sales of high-quality products for exhibition sales, and promote the return of consumption. Launch the "domestic trendy" brand. Guided by the promotion of common prosperity, we will implement a new round of expansion of effective investment actions, thoroughly implement provincial, municipal and county head projects, vigorously promote the construction of "two new and one heavy" and "six hundred billion" industrial investment projects, and expand public services. Diversified investment in , agriculture and rural areas and other fields. Innovate investment and financing systems and mechanisms, standardize and promote the cooperation model between government and private capital, steadily promote the pilot project of real estate investment trust funds in the infrastructure field, and expand domestic and overseas financing channels for major projects.


6. Accelerate the construction of important hubs along the "Belt and Road". Enhance the four major hub functions of digital innovation, trade logistics, industrial cooperation and cultural exchanges, and iteratively promote the construction of landmark projects and major supporting projects. Accelerate the construction of Ningbo-Zhoushan Port as a world-class port, create an international airport gateway capable of serving hundreds of millions of people, further promote the construction of the Yi-Ningbo-Zhou open channel, and enhance the market competitiveness of the "Yi-Xin-Europe" China-Europe freight trains. We will strive to create an open highland for the entire oil and gas industry chain, rely on the free trade pilot zone, innovatively promote the construction of an international oil and gas trading center, an international petrochemical base, and an international oil and gas storage and transportation base, and build Ningbo Zhoushan National Commodity Strategic Reserve Base and Global Resource Allocation Center. Deepen the construction of China-Central and Eastern European Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zones, enhance the level of China-Central and Eastern European Countries Expo, implement the "Silk Road Pilot" three-year action plan, and improve the linkage of overseas economic and trade cooperation zones, series of stations and international industrial cooperation parks Develop the network, create a high-quality foreign investment gathering place and a source of high-level foreign investment, and promote the pilot program of foreign-invested equity investment companies (QFLP). Promote the free trade pilot zone to carry out pioneering and differentiated reform exploration, implement oil and gas reserve system reform, new international trade supervision, customs clearance integration reform, digital trade system and mechanism construction and other system-integrated reforms, and strive to give the four zones greater reform autonomy The right to amend the "Regulations of China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone". Achieve full coverage of the linkage innovation zone, promote the coordinated development of the free trade pilot zone and the linkage innovation zone, and strengthen coordination and linkage with the Yangtze River Delta regional free trade pilot zone. Cultivate new advantages in foreign trade competition, promote new foreign trade formats such as market procurement, cross-border e-commerce, and foreign trade comprehensive service platforms throughout the province, effectively promote the development of the World Electronic Trade Platform (eWTP), promote the innovative development of service trade, and create an innovation demonstration for import trade promotion Districts and key import platforms.


7. Cultivate more active and creative market entities. Comprehensively promote the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform, optimize the layout and functional structure adjustment of the state-owned economy, improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, and "one enterprise, one enterprise" "Policy" to implement mixed ownership reform in a standardized and orderly manner, vigorously promote the listing of state-owned enterprises, promote comprehensive reform experiments of regional state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Hangzhou at a high level, and explore new models for provincial state-owned assets supervision and operation. Strengthen the strategic function of state-owned capital in promoting common prosperity, increase investment in the social field, and promote the development results of state-owned enterprises to be shared by all people. Comprehensively implement regulations on promoting the development of private enterprises, improve the negative list system for market access, create an ecologically optimal province for private economic development, encourage private enterprises to develop boldly and confidently, and support private enterprises to play a greater role in cultivating middle-income groups and promoting common prosperity. We will deepen the construction of Wenzhou's "Two Health" pilot areas in the new era and Ningbo's pilot project to build pro-Qing government-business relations, and deepen the construction of Taizhou's small and micro enterprise financial services reform and innovation pilot zone. We will in-depth implement the market entity upgrading project, establish and improve long-term mechanisms for reducing the burden on enterprises, improve the legal environment and policy system to promote the development of small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and improve "Operation Eagle", "Operation Phoenix" and "Eagle" Action" cultivation system, rolling implementation of the growth plan for small and micro enterprises, promoting the "specialized, special and new" development of small, medium and micro enterprises, and vigorously cultivating invisible champions, specialized, special and new little giants, individual champions, eagle enterprises and "chains" "Master" enterprise and create a "province of individual champions". We will implement actions to build a high-standard market system, establish and improve a unified and open factor market, deepen the reform of "heroes based on average acres", and build a more complete system and mechanism for the market-based allocation of factors. Formulate and implement a five-year action plan to optimize the business environment and create a province with the best business environment. Adhere to equal emphasis on development and regulation, establish and improve the platform economic governance system, and promote the platform economy to serve high-quality development and high-quality life. Strengthen anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition law enforcement, improve regulatory capabilities and levels, achieve full-chain supervision before, during and after events, and prevent disorderly expansion of capital.


8. Create an upgraded version of entrepreneurship, innovation and creation. Vigorously promote the spirit of Zhejiang merchants and entrepreneurship, improve the policy system to support entrepreneurship, innovation and creation, and explore the integration of digital economy, innovation economy, ecological economy, The modern service economy has become an effective path for the people's economy in the new era. Implement the "Quality Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Improvement Project", "Zhejiang Entrepreneurs Qinglan Relay Project" and the "Dual Inheritance" Plan for New Generation Entrepreneurs to further promote the return of Zhejiang Entrepreneurs. Improve the comprehensive functions and driving role of various carriers such as small and micro enterprise entrepreneurship and innovation parks (bases) and mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases, improve the full-chain incubation system of "maker spaces" incubators, accelerators and industrial parks, and promote start-ups growth-oriented enterprise development. Carry out special actions to optimize and upgrade the commodity market, cultivate a number of commodity market demonstration bases with outstanding commodity management characteristics, strong industrial chain and supply chain service functions, and integrated online and offline development, and build a high-quality modern commodity market demonstration province. Adhere to the orientation of releasing water to cultivate fish and enrich the people, and establish and improve policies and systems to support the development of individual industrial and commercial households. We will continue to deepen the reform of the commercial system, comprehensively implement the reform of the registration and confirmation system for commercial entities and the reform of separation of certificates and licenses, comprehensively improve the convenience of entry and exit, and create streamlined approvals.

3. Implement the plan to double the income of residents and middle-income groups, and promote the reform of the income distribution system as a pilot demonstration


9. Implement a plan to double the size of middle-income groups. Sound the policy system to support the development of the reserve army of middle-income groups, increase investment in human capital, and stimulate skilled talents, scientific researchers, small and micro entrepreneurs, The income-increasing potential of key groups such as high-quality farmers allows more ordinary workers to enter the middle-income group through their own efforts. We will vigorously attract high-quality talents and college graduates from home and abroad to find employment and start businesses in Zhejiang. Multiple measures will be taken to reduce the expenditure pressure on middle-income families in education, medical care, elderly care, child care, housing, etc., stabilize the middle-income group, and optimize the middle-income social structure. Improve the institutional system for the smooth flow of talents in party and government agencies, enterprises, institutions and all aspects of society, standardize the recruitment, selection and employment system, ensure fair development opportunities for different groups, and smooth channels for social mobility. Standardize the order of income distribution in accordance with the law, establish and improve personal income and property information systems, protect legitimate income in accordance with the law, reasonably adjust excessive income, and ban illegal income.


10. Promote the realization of more adequate and higher-quality employment. Strengthen the employment priority policy, regard high-quality employment as the basic guide for high-quality development, improve the employment inspection and incentive mechanism, expand employment capacity, Improve the quality of employment, strive to create a total of 5 million new urban jobs, and control the urban surveyed unemployment rate below 5.5%. Improve the security system that promotes entrepreneurship to drive employment and multi-channel flexible employment, take the lead in building a policy system for the standardized development and innovative development of new employment forms, and explore and improve the labor rights protection mechanism for employees in new industries such as couriers, online ride-hailing drivers, and online anchors. . Integrate and revitalize various employment subsidy funds, and improve the employment public service system that coordinates urban and rural areas and integrates online and offline services. Improve the employment support system for key groups such as college graduates, veterans and migrant workers, guide and encourage college graduates to find employment and start businesses in urban and rural communities, implement projects for tens of thousands of college graduates to work in streets (townships) and communities (villages), and support enterprises Develop caring positions, strengthen training, assistance and support placement for people with employment difficulties, and ensure that zero-employment households are dynamically cleared. Deepen the comprehensive supporting reform pilot for building harmonious labor relations, promote the construction of a comprehensive pilot zone for harmonious labor relations, create a fair employment environment, take the lead in eliminating institutional barriers that affect employment such as household registration, region, identity, gender, etc., standardize labor dispatch employment behavior, and continue to promote " "Zhejiang has no back wages" construction, improve and implement the working hours, rest and vacation system.


11. Implement a ten-year plan to double residents’ income. Sound the mechanism for reasonable wage growth, improve the corporate salary survey and wage guidance information release system, and encourage companies to expand the space for employees to increase their income by improving quality and efficiency. , improve the linkage mechanism between minimum wage standards, economic growth, and average social wage growth, and actively and steadily promote collective wage negotiations. Innovate the income distribution system of public institutions and establish and improve the mechanism for determining remuneration based on position and performance. Comprehensively expand the property income channels for urban and rural residents, standardize the development of the wealth management industry, encourage the innovation of financial products that support the development of the real economy and allow the public to share value-added benefits in accordance with the law, support enterprises to implement flexible and diverse equity incentives and employee stock ownership plans, and encourage listed companies to improve Cash dividend ratio. Implement the action to make farmers rich and increase their income, improve the mechanism for connecting the interests of enterprises and farmers, cultivate 100,000 agricultural makers, activate more than 100,000 idle farm buildings, promote the plan for 10,000 farmers to become rich through tourism, thoroughly implement the one-million-meter rooftop photovoltaic project in rural areas, and guide farmers Voluntarily invest in enterprises with land management rights, forest rights, etc., to encourage farmers to start businesses and find jobs nearby.


12. Improve the participation and distribution mechanism of innovation elements. Accelerate the exploration of the realization form of the value of knowledge, technology, management, data and other elements. Give scientific research institutions and universities greater autonomy in the use of scientific research funds and income distribution, give scientists greater power to decide on technical routes and use funds, give scientific researchers ownership of their job results and long-term use rights of no less than 10 years, and improve scientific research personnel. Proportion of profit sharing from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Improve the listing and trading, public auction and transaction information disclosure system for technology intangible assets, promote the market-based pricing mechanism for scientific and technological achievements, promote the reform of the evaluation mechanism for scientific and technological achievements, and improve the science and technology reward system. Accelerate the cultivation of data element markets, explore the establishment of data exchanges, promote public data sharing and openness, and enhance the value of social data resources. Strengthen intellectual property protection and build an intellectual property digital operation system. Actively develop science and technology finance and explore methods such as intellectual property securitization to promote the capitalization of scientific and technological achievements.


13. Innovate and improve fiscal policy systems. Strengthen fiscal budget performance management and medium- and long-term planning management, and improve the medium- and long-term guarantee capabilities of all levels of finance for high-quality development and construction of common prosperity demonstration areas. . Persist in doing our best and within our capabilities, optimize the structure of fiscal expenditures, increase investment in people's livelihood, solve the "key issues" of people's livelihood, and strengthen the sustainable guarantee mechanism. Innovate and improve the provincial fiscal system for cities and counties, increase the intensity and precision of provincial fiscal transfer payments to cities and counties, and explore and deepen reforms in income incentives and subsidies, classified and graded fiscal transfer payments, and regional coordinated development. Expand the trial implementation of a financial reward and subsidy mechanism linked to the quality and value of ecological products, and improve the development performance evaluation and reward mechanism for 26 counties. Improve the provincial coordination mechanism for land transfer revenue and give priority to supporting rural revitalization. Establish and improve the direct mechanism for normalized fiscal funds to be more accurate and efficient and directly benefit enterprises and the people.


14. Comprehensively build "Zhejiang with good deeds". Establish and improve the incentive mechanism to repay the society, implement the "Advocating Good Deeds, Helping the Disadvantaged" public welfare and charity pilot plan, and encourage and guide high-income groups and Entrepreneurs should be kind and caring for society, establish social welfare entities, participate in public welfare charities, implement preferential tax policies for public welfare donations, and improve the charity recognition system. Improve the systems and mechanisms that are conducive to the sustainable and healthy development of charitable organizations, vigorously develop hub-type, funded, and industry-based public welfare charity organizations, and enhance the service capabilities of public welfare and charity bases. Vigorously develop charitable trusts, strive for state support, explore the establishment of special trust accounts for public welfare charitable organizations, and provide policy support for charitable trusts. Create a unified charity service information platform across the province, establish a "honeycomb" charity mechanism for Zhejiang merchants, and unblock channels for all aspects of society to participate in charity and social assistance. Carry forward the modern charity concept of "charity for everyone" and create a national charity activity represented by "One-day Charity Donation". Promote Internet charity, create smart charity, and standardize online fundraising activities. Improve the supervision system of charitable organizations, use blockchain technology to carry out full-process intelligent supervision of charitable donations, and create charity for the people and sunshine charity.


4. Improve the long-term mechanism for providing practical services to the people and promote the first demonstration of high-quality sharing of public services


15. Take the lead in building a child-friendly society. Formulate and implement opinions on taking the lead in building a child-care-friendly society to promote long-term balanced development of the population, revise the "Zhejiang Provincial Population and Family Planning Regulations" in a timely manner, and implement A couple can have three children policy and supporting measures, explore the establishment of a childbearing cost sharing mechanism, strengthen the protection of women's rights in employment, wages and benefits, further improve the maternity insurance system, and reduce the costs of childbirth, parenting, and education through multiple channels. Vigorously develop an inclusive child care service system, improve policies, systems and standards for care services for infants under 3 years old. Nearby child care services cover urban communities and township (street) infant care service institutions are basically fully covered. Qualified employers are encouraged. Provide infant care services and support kindergartens in developing integrated child care services. Implement the three-year action plan for the development of preschool education, establish and improve the cost-sharing mechanism for preschool education, promote the expansion project of inclusive kindergartens and the project to make up for shortcomings in rural kindergartens, promote the "Anji Play" preschool education curriculum model, and comprehensively build a comprehensive coverage of urban and rural areas. A reasonable and quality-guaranteed public service system for preschool education will strive to make more than 90% of counties (cities and districts) the counties (cities and districts) that provide universal access to preschool education across the country and achieve universal access to preschool education.


16. Strive to become a pilot area for comprehensive education reform in the innovative era. The province is promoting "Educational Brain + Smart School", iteratively upgrading "Internet + Education", and building future education scenarios. Promote the full coverage of urban and rural compulsory education communities in the new era, explore and implement county-level group school running, and strive to make more than 60% of counties (cities, districts) national counties (cities, districts) with high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, and achieve the same standard education for urban and rural children. growing up. Further reduce the homework burden on students in compulsory education and standardize off-campus training institutions. Promote the diversified and characteristic development of ordinary high schools, promote the integration of general vocational schools to achieve major breakthroughs, establish and improve the cooperation mechanism between ordinary high schools and secondary vocational schools, higher vocational colleges (vocational undergraduates) and ordinary undergraduates, and promote the integration of high-level vocational colleges and majors We have launched a pilot program for undergraduate vocational education, actively expanded into postgraduate education, and broadened the training channels for technical and skilled talents and the mutual transfer channels for general vocational students in "secondary vocational education - higher vocational education (junior college, undergraduate) - professional degree graduate students" , to increase the proportion of secondary vocational school graduates entering higher-level schools to more than 50%. Improve the guarantee mechanism for special education and specialized education, improve the quality of education, and promote "integrated education." Build a high-quality higher education system, strive for a significant increase in the number of high-level universities and high-level disciplines, expand the scale of postgraduate education, explore new mechanisms to host new research universities and high-level application universities, and fully support the construction of new universities such as West Lake University , encourage social forces to participate in the establishment of "small but refined" high-level characteristic universities. Explore the Zhejiang model of a lifelong learning society, strengthen the construction of a high-level open university system with Zhejiang characteristics, improve the ability of grassroots community schools and schools for the elderly, improve the "credit bank" system, realize rich and convenient lifelong education, and satisfy the people's learning anytime and anywhere. needs. Take the lead in carrying out personnel system reform in the education field.


17. Improve the lifelong vocational skills training system for all workers. Deeply promote the construction of "Skills Zhejiang", implement the new era Zhejiang craftsman training project and the "golden blue collar" vocational skills improvement action, Cultivate a backbone team of "ten hundred million" new era craftsmen. The total number of skilled talents in the province has reached 11.5 million, and the proportion of high-skilled talents has reached 35%. Vocational skills training has been carried out for 5 million people, and the average number of participants in the training has improved by one skill. grade. Implement a plan to improve the quality of technical education, build a number of first-class technician colleges, and include qualified ones into higher education institutions. Improve the training, introduction, evaluation, use, and incentive mechanisms for skilled talents, carry out pilot reform of vocational skill level review, and improve the political, economic, and social treatment of skilled talents. Build an integrated platform for smart skills training across the province, guide enterprises to strengthen skills training for migrant workers, coordinate various vocational skills training funds, rationally arrange employment subsidy funds, and form a working mechanism that combines market training and government subsidy training. We will strengthen targeted training for key groups such as the rural migrant labor force and employees in new business formats and new models, strengthen "re-employment" training, and comprehensively improve workers' employment and entrepreneurial capabilities.


18. Deeply implement the Healthy Zhejiang Action. Province-wide implementation of "Healthy Brain + Smart Medical Care", iterative upgrade of new "Internet + Medical Health" services, taking the lead in promoting Health is applied across multiple scenarios, allowing everyone to enjoy convenient, intelligent, and warm health services. Accelerate the construction of a strong public health system, improve monitoring and early warning, precision intelligent control, medical and prevention integration and other mechanisms, accelerate the construction of a provincial medical emergency material reserve platform, and enhance the ability to respond to public health emergencies. Improve the integrated medical and health service system, orderly promote the extension of tertiary-level hospitals from central cities to counties and cities, support cooperation with local governments in running medical services, deepen the construction of county-level medical communities and urban medical consortia, and increase the number of beds in county-level public hospitals and tertiary-level hospitals Accounting for more than 60%. Implement projects to address shortcomings in the infrastructure of township health centers and the "bottom-of-network project" for village-level health services. We will deepen the implementation of the "Mountain and Sea" improvement project in medical and health care and promote the upgrading of the medical service capabilities of county-level hospitals. Promote the construction of "Medical Peak" beyond the norm, strive to build national medical centers, national regional medical centers, and provincial regional medical centers, build a new integrated platform for biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and medical applications, and strive to build a national laboratory in the field of life and health The base will create a highland for life and health science and technology innovation, and basically realize the diagnosis and treatment of serious diseases without leaving the province. Deepen the "three medical linkage" and "six medical coordination" reforms, strive to create a national high-quality development pilot for public hospitals and a national demonstration province for comprehensive reform of traditional Chinese medicine, and achieve full municipal coverage of TCM services, specialized diseases, and appropriate TCM technologies Full base coverage. Accelerate the expansion and quality improvement of family doctor contract services, and ensure that the coverage of family doctor contracts for key groups exceeds 80%. We will adjust and optimize national health examination projects, improve the accuracy of physical examinations, promote early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment of key diseases, promote disability prevention, and strengthen We have managed the "two chronic diseases" of hypertension and diabetes with a focus on the elderly, implemented the Youth Bright Eyes and Bright Teeth Project, and improved the mental health and mental health service system. The premature mortality rate of major chronic diseases has been reduced to less than 8.5%, and the overall cancer rate has been reduced to less than 8.5%. The annual survival rate is over 44%. A fully covered and equalized national fitness public service system has basically been formed. The county (city, district) sports coverage rate of "one game and two venues" has reached more than 80%. The Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games will be successfully held, and a modern sports powerhouse will be built. Province.


19. Promote precise structural reform of the social security system. Formulate and improve insurance payment policies that adapt to new employment forms, and promote flexible employment personnel and new industry practitioners to participate in social insurance. Improve the multi-level, multi-pillar and sustainable pension insurance system, launch exclusive commercial pension insurance pilots, and promote the long-term balance of pension insurance funds. Standardize and implement national unified social security premium rate standards. Reform and improve the basic pension insurance system for urban and rural residents, implement an incentive mechanism that encourages multiple and long-term contributions, explore the policy of overpayment, significantly increase payment subsidies for low-income groups, and continue to improve the basic pension level for urban and rural residents. Promote provincial-level coordination of basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, and work-related injury insurance, improve the medical insurance system for serious illnesses and chronic diseases, actively develop commercial health insurance, achieve full coverage of policy-based medical supplementary insurance for low-income groups, and explore the establishment of a cap on family payment for serious illness medical care for people in need system and improve the long-term mechanism to prevent poverty due to illness and return to poverty due to illness.


20. Build a happy elderly care service system. Innovate family care support policies, implement the "elderly care institutions follow the elderly" action plan, improve the community home care service network, and manage the elderly well. Canteens, explore the establishment of home care beds, develop inclusive elderly care and mutual assistance for the elderly, improve and promote the development model of "public and private" elderly care service institutions, and accelerate the construction of an elderly care service system that coordinates home and community institutions and combines medical and health care. Comprehensively promote smart elderly care, promote the application of smart technology, and create digital elderly care service scenarios. Vigorously develop new business formats and models for health care and elderly care, and realize the coverage of health care complexes in all counties. Improve the education and training, skills recognition and credit management system for elderly care workers, and increase the number of certified elderly care workers per 10,000 elderly people to 25. We will pilot a long-term care insurance system, improve the comprehensive long-term care security system, and explore solutions to the problems of caring for people with disabilities and dementia. Nursing beds account for more than 58% of institutional beds. Comprehensively establish a home and community visit and care system that mainly targets the elderly in empty-nest, left-behind, disabled, severely disabled, and family-planned families, increase the supply of elderly care services in rural areas and islands, and improve the care and service system for left-behind elderly people in rural areas. Vigorously develop the silver economy, build an age-friendly society, enrich spiritual and cultural activities for the elderly, advocate filial piety and respect for the elderly, and promote happiness in old age. Improve the preferential treatment system for the elderly and make the elderly preferential treatment certificate universal across the province. Effectively develop and utilize the human resources of the elderly to promote the elderly to be productive.


21. Create the "Zheli Anju" brand. Improve the long-term mechanism for regulating the real estate market, consolidate the main responsibilities of the city government, implement city-specific policies, "one city, one policy", and promote Land prices and housing prices remain within a reasonable range. We will improve the housing security system with public rental housing, affordable rental housing and shared property housing as the main body, improve basic systems and supporting policies, and reform and improve the housing provident fund policy mechanism. Explore the use of collective construction land, self-owned idle land of enterprises and institutions, and reconstruction of existing idle houses to build rental housing, effectively increase the supply of affordable rental housing, build (raise) 210,000 units (households) of affordable rental housing, and use multiple channels to effectively Solve the housing problems of key groups such as new citizens and low-income people with difficulties. Accelerate the improvement of long-term rental housing policies and strengthen supervision of the housing rental market so that renters and purchasers of housing have equal rights to enjoy public services. Establish a linkage between the net population inflow and land supply, and a joint control mechanism between land prices and housing prices. Land for rental housing shall be separately planned, and land supply will be tilted towards the construction of rental housing. Explore "limiting housing prices, limiting land prices, competing for quality, and competing for rental housing" for land. Transfer method, promote the pilot sale of existing commercial housing. Basically realize the transformation of concentrated shantytowns in cities and towns, and build 130,000 units of resettlement housing (including monetary resettlement). Comprehensively carry out the investigation and rectification of hidden safety hazards in urban and rural housing, dynamically eliminate safety hazards in dilapidated buildings, improve the normal long-term governance and transformation mechanism, explore the establishment of a basic housing safety guarantee mechanism for rural low-income people, and in-depth implement the "big move" under the premise of scientific protection of traditional villages. "Quickly gather together to enrich the people and live in peace" project. Improve the level of housing design, create modern and livable "Zhejiang-style residential buildings", and create a new Jiangnan water town style.


22. Comprehensively establish a social assistance system for the new era. Deepen the comprehensive reform of social assistance in the new era, strengthen the connection between social assistance, social insurance, and social welfare systems, innovate the smart assistance model, and improve the The new era social assistance system focuses on special assistance and is supplemented by the participation of diverse social forces, and promotes the comprehensive integration of various assistance policies. Improve and unify the accurate identification mechanism of low-income groups in urban and rural areas, promote the implementation of the "proactive, accurate and efficient" smart assistance pilot plan, continue to iteratively upgrade the large-scale assistance information system, and achieve unified verification of economic status, accurate identification of assistance recipients, and unified release of assistance needs. , Accurately evaluate rescue performance to ensure that "no one is left behind, and no household is left behind." We will further expand the coverage of social assistance, improve the assistance and support mechanism for low-income groups, promote hierarchical and classified targeted assistance, and ensure that special groups such as the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled have basic protection. It is necessary to realize that all subsistence allowance recipients should be guaranteed, improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of subsistence allowance standards, steadily increase subsistence allowance standards, and improve the standards for assistance and support for extremely poor people. We will further increase the intensity of judicial assistance, expand the scope of assistance objects, and realize the need to rescue all the people who need help and the people who need to be rescued. Implement the "Seven Major Actions" to help people in need achieve common prosperity, promote the construction of a preventive and developmental assistance service system, establish a county-level assistance service consortium, and promote the transformation from material to "material + service". Implement the action plan for full coverage of the happy list of humanistic care and social assistance, and achieve 100% joint assistance rate of "one thing" to benefit the people, 100% assistance rate of family care, and 100% joint resolution rate of the happy assistance list issues. Establish a care and service system for women in need and left-behind children, improve welfare and security policies for special groups, establish a moderately inclusive child welfare system, strengthen basic living protection for orphans and children in need, and ensure the healthy upbringing and growth of every child. Improve the protection and service system for persons with disabilities, and promote the all-round development and common prosperity of persons with disabilities. Improve the support mechanism for employees in need. Promote a new model of full life cycle management and support for retired military personnel, and effectively strengthen support and assistance for retired military personnel in need. Carry out in-depth "double support" activities.


23. Promote the socialization reform of public services. Improve the policy system for social forces to run social undertakings, and encourage state-owned enterprises and institutions, large private enterprises, social organizations, etc. to invest in the establishment of inclusive non-profits Provide kindergartens, vocational schools, colleges and universities, schools for the elderly and medical, elderly care, childcare, culture, sports and other service institutions, introduce high-quality social resources at home and abroad, and cultivate high-quality and international education, medical, elderly care and other services brand to better meet the multi-level and diverse needs of the masses. Innovate the way the government purchases public services, explore and improve models such as public construction and private construction, private construction and public assistance, and entrusted agency services, and improve the professional level of public services. Strengthen the construction of the regulatory system for non-profit public service institutions, improve access, evaluation, incentives, exit and other mechanisms, and promote fair competition, standardized operations, and coordinated development of public and private institutions.

5. Broaden the effective path of getting rich first, the belt, then the gang, then the gang, and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas as a pilot demonstration


24. Take the lead in forming a provincial integrated development pattern. Improve the provincial coordination mechanism and promote the optimal allocation of resources. Strengthen the "four major constructions", fully promote the construction of strategic platforms such as provincial new areas and Qiantang River Financial Harbor, implement landmark projects in depth, prepare and implement provincial land and space master plans, and lead the optimization of provincial spatial layout. We will further promote the integration of spatial planning, strengthen the construction of a digital platform for provincial spatial governance, deepen the policy of main functional areas, and improve the "multi-planning-in-one" land and space planning system that is hierarchical and classified, covers all areas and all factors, and is all-round. Deeply promote the integration of public services, promote the equalization of basic public services through standardization, continue to narrow the gap in public service supply between urban and rural areas, and build a modern public service system. Deeply promote the integration of infrastructure, promote unified planning, unified construction, unified management and maintenance of urban and rural transportation, water supply, power grids, communications, gas and other infrastructure, and gradually realize the same regulations and the same network. Accelerate the construction of a strong province with high-level transportation, implement the "internal and external communication" campaign, comprehensively improve the conditions of transportation facilities in mountainous areas, islands, old revolutionary areas, ethnic minority areas, etc., and realize "city-to-city connectivity" by high-speed rail, general aviation, and expressway Highways will basically cover towns with more than 100,000 people, and Class III and above highways will cover more than 90% of towns and villages. We will accelerate the coverage of rail transit in all land counties and counties, and promote the integration and interoperability of the provincial high-speed rail network, rail transit network, and metropolitan subway network. , basically built three "one-hour traffic circles" at provincial, municipal and urban areas, and built a modern, high-quality comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network. Develop smart and equalized public transportation services, strive to create a national demonstration province of "Four Good Rural Roads", promote the intensification and quality improvement of passenger transportation to villages, the integration of passengers, freight and mail, and the transformation of ferry transportation, and the integration rate of urban and rural public transportation has reached 85% %above. We will further promote the "two in and one out" project for the express delivery industry to enter villages, factories and overseas, cultivate the modern logistics industry, and build a modern express logistics network that connects urban and rural areas and integrates internal and external. Vigorously promote the integration of urban and rural water services and the development of large-scale water supply, increase the coverage rate of homogeneous water supply in urban and rural areas to 98%, and achieve the same standard, same quality and same service for urban and rural water supply. Deeply promote the integrated high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta, accelerate the joint construction of the Yangtze River Delta ecological green integrated development demonstration zone, accelerate the construction of the southward expansion zone of the Hongqiao International Open Hub, plan and build inter-provincial adjacent areas, and intra-provincial integrated pioneer cooperation zones, and build The digital Yangtze River Delta promotes the common prosperity and modernization of the entire Yangtze River Delta region.


25. Carry out the "Ten, Hundred, Thousand" campaign of new urbanization. Accelerate the construction of the four major metropolitan areas to form "one map" for spatial planning, "one network" for rail transit, and intra-city Serving "a circle". Sing the "Tale of Two Cities" in Hangzhou and Ningbo, vigorously cultivate the national central city, and build a maritime central city. Promote the "Ten Cities Empowerment", comprehensively promote the construction of new smart cities, cultivate future urban practice areas and modern suburban new cities, comprehensively enhance the comprehensive energy level and international competitiveness of central cities, and support Quzhou and Lishui to accelerate the creation of landscape garden cities in the new era. . Improve the urban underground space management system, take the lead in launching "invisible city" construction pilots in metro cities, implement hierarchical and comprehensive development of underground space, strengthen underground space digital management, carry out pilot projects for the prevention and control of major urban geological safety risks, and effectively improve Urban underground space sensing capabilities and monitoring and early warning capabilities. We will deepen the comprehensive urban congestion control project, promote digital congestion control, and improve the "rail + bus + slow travel" green travel network to promote a more balanced and suitable housing and work environment, and make travel more convenient and comfortable. Promote the "quality improvement of hundreds of counties", promote urbanization construction with county towns as an important carrier, promote county-level coordination of spatial layout, industrial development, infrastructure, etc., give counties more autonomy in the integrated use of resources, and accelerate the integration of urban and rural elements An institutional channel for equal exchange and two-way flow. Implement the "Thousands of Beautiful Towns" project, build more than 600 provincial-level models on a rolling basis, deepen the pilot cultivation of small cities, further promote the comprehensive reform of Longgang's new urbanization, and explore new models of building new cities from towns and villages to cities.


26. Vigorously build the basic unit of modernization for common prosperity. Promote the construction of future urban communities throughout the province, fully implement the creation system, and implement the "three modernization and nine scenarios" of future communities to promote actions and iterate Enhance the future community smart service platform. Implement urban renewal and transformation actions in accordance with the concept of future communities, accelerate the transformation of old urban communities, and basically complete the task of transforming old urban communities that need to be renovated before the end of 2000. Promote the "micro-update" of old communities, promote the construction of barrier-free environments, and create exquisite living scenes in multi-functional, complex, and people-friendly communities. Promote the construction of new rural communities across the region, continue to deepen the "Thousand Villages Demonstration, Ten Thousand Villages Improvement" project, implement micro-renovations, promote the standardized construction of rural infrastructure and core public service functions, and achieve the creation and construction of beautiful villages in the new era in all administrative villages. Thousands of beautiful rural boutique villages in the new era. Carry out future rural construction pilots, iteratively upgrade future neighborhoods, modern industries, public services, rural culture, distinctive features, green and low-carbon, good rural governance and other scenarios, and build a number of demonstration projects that lead quality life experience, present future elements, and highlight the charm of Jiangnan New rural community.


27. Vigorously promote the integrated reform of urbanization of agricultural transfer population. With the agricultural transfer population as the focus and fairness as the cornerstone, we will carry out comprehensive and integrated reforms of systems and mechanisms such as household registration, rural land, public services, and income distribution. . Continue to deepen the reform of the household registration system, promote Hangzhou to adjust and improve the points settlement policy based on the length of residence and social security payment as the main indicators, and fully implement the rental housing settlement policy in cities outside Hangzhou's urban area. Deepen the new residence permit system, promote the full coverage of basic public services to the permanent population, improve the points-based enrollment policy, gradually realize the same-city enrollment benefits for the children of migrant workers, and explore the points-based system for moving into affordable housing. Deepen the reform of "the three rights are transferred to each person (household), and the rights follow the person (household)", explore and trial the household registration system based on the place of regular residence, and fully implement the registration and filing system for members of rural collective economic organizations. Adhere to the principle of prudence and explore ways to promote the voluntary and paid withdrawal of land contract rights, homestead use rights, and collective income distribution rights by farmers who have settled in cities in accordance with the law. Comprehensively implement the system of linking people to land and money, people determine land, and money follows people, optimize the classified management policy of linking the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land, improve the policy of linking fiscal transfer payments and the scale of new urban construction land with the urbanization of the agricultural transfer population, and timely Promote the expansion and consolidation of villages and towns in mountainous areas.


28. Take the lead in exploring land-focused rural integration reforms. Take the lead in exploring the value realization mechanism of farmers' rights and interests, establish and improve the farmers' interest linkage mechanism, improve the "three rights separation" system of contracted land, and systematically Explore the effective implementation form of "separation of three rights" in homesteads. Deeply implement the pilot reform of the national rural homestead system, and actively and steadily explore richer forms of realizing the rights of rural housing property rights. Encourage rural collective economic organizations and their members to revitalize idle rural homesteads and idle farm buildings through self-operation, leasing, equity participation, cooperation, etc., and develop rural industries. Promote the entry of rural collective commercial construction land into the market, establish and improve the value-added income distribution mechanism of collective commercial construction land on the market, and explore the ways in which village collectives can legally and compliantly convert idle homestead land and abandoned collective public welfare construction land on the premise of farmers' voluntariness. Entering the market for collective commercial construction land. Build a modern agricultural management system of new agricultural management entities + "Trinity" cooperative economic organizations, and establish an effective connection mechanism between small farmers and modern agriculture. Implement the farmer stock ownership plan, explore the transfer and mortgage of rural collective assets, establish an integrated rural property rights trading system across the province, and promote interconnection in the Yangtze River Delta.


29. Vigorously implement actions to strengthen villages and benefit the people. Coordinate and promote the coordinated development of efficient ecological agriculture, modern rural industries, village-level collective economy, etc., create agricultural modernization demonstration zones in stages, and improve agricultural value expansion Implementation Mechanism. Implement the project to improve the comprehensive ability to stabilize grain supply, promote the construction of high-quality grain projects, accelerate the creation of a strong modern seed industry, strengthen agricultural science and technology innovation, vigorously develop smart agriculture, implement the research and development and promotion of suitable agricultural machinery and tools, and comprehensively promote the "two systems of fertilizer and pesticide" "And build a modern agricultural input management service system, make leading agricultural enterprises bigger and stronger, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of fishery and animal husbandry, and increase agricultural labor productivity to 55,000 yuan/person." Promote the "Agriculture +" action, develop intensive processing of agricultural products, create a full agricultural industry chain that integrates primary, secondary and tertiary industries, enrich rural economic formats, and promote the construction of "one county, one platform" for rural industries. We will improve the long-term mechanism of "two entrances and two returns", implement the Xinxiang Talent Bringing Wealth Project, and cultivate a group of local talents. We will coordinate and integrate agriculture-related funds and promote the pilot reform of agricultural and rural investment integration demonstration. We will improve the system of agricultural-related financial institutions and agricultural-related financial products, and promote the implementation of the "whole village credit" model. Improve the long-term mechanism for the growth of village-level collective economic income, implement the three-year action plan for the consolidation and improvement of the village-level collective economy, establish strong village companies, improve the "enclave" grouping mechanism, and invest financial funds in collective economic development projects to form assets Property rights are allocated to village collectives in corresponding proportions, achieving full coverage of administrative villages with annual collective economic income of more than 200,000 yuan and operating income of more than 100,000 yuan, and accounting for more than 50% of administrative villages with annual operating income of more than 500,000 yuan. . Strengthen the function of the village collective economy to enrich and benefit the people, and actively play a role in supporting and driving low-income farmers to increase their income and promote the universalization of public services such as pension and assistance.


30. Innovatively implement the "three synchronizations" action of getting rich first and then getting rich later. Focus closely on narrowing the regional, urban-rural, and income gaps, formulate and implement the "three synchronizations" action plan, and systematically establish the first-rich, then-rich Assistance policy system, integrated construction of a provincial assistance digital system, and a new assistance community. Implement the action of synchronizing and basically realizing modernization in key counties for green development, and implement the "GEP on Heroes" reform in 11 counties (cities) within the scope of national key ecological functional areas to achieve national leadership in ecological quality, green development, happiness and livability , and the difference between the income times of residents in the province has narrowed to about 1.5. Implement key rural revitalization actions to help villages basically realize modernization simultaneously, establish an integrated assistance and promotion mechanism for counties, villages, and households, dispatch and make good use of first secretaries, rural work instructors, and village working groups. Provinces, cities, and counties jointly dispatch various personnel to towns and villages throughout the province every year. We will have 10,000 special science and technology commissioners, carry out assistance actions for thousands of units to support thousands of villages, thousands of enterprises to connect thousands of villages, and thousands of overseas Chinese groups (enterprises) to help thousands of villages, and improve the incentive mechanism for open joint assistance from social capital and public welfare organizations. Guided by the comprehensive promotion of the all-region party-building alliance, we will promote the "Daxiajiang" rural consortium common wealth model, promote rural regionalization and group development, and explore the mechanism and path for party building to unify the leading, wealthy, and late-rich to achieve common prosperity. Implement actions to achieve basic modernization of low-income groups simultaneously, develop major digital application scenarios for low-income groups that continue to increase their income covering both urban and rural areas, with multi-span collaboration and policy integration, establish a standardized list-based assistance and promotion system, and establish classified and precise policies to improve the lives of low-income groups in urban and rural areas. system. For those who have the ability to work, we will strengthen development assistance and improve their self-development capabilities; for those who are weak in increasing their ability to increase their labor income, we will strengthen "assistance + security" and explore the establishment of personal development accounts for low-income groups to gradually improve their lives; for those who have lost their jobs, For those who are unable to work, we will strengthen their safety net and improve their happiness in life.


31. Create an upgraded version of the Mountain-Sea Collaboration Project. Formulate and implement an implementation plan for leap-forward high-quality development in 26 counties in mountainous areas, optimize the policy system for mountainous area development in the new stage, adhere to classified policies, and implement larger industries Actions to expand tax sources and increase residents' income to enrich the people will comprehensively promote coordinated development across mountains and promote the transformation of small counties and big cities into famous counties and beautiful cities. Develop "green + smart" characteristic industries and ecological industries, cultivate famous mountain products such as "Lishui Mountain Farming" and "Sanqu Flavor", implement consumption-assisted agriculture plans, make up for the shortcomings in infrastructure and public services, and improve Standardize the creation of beautiful and wealthy trunk lines along the "four edges", explore and implement market-oriented new models to promote the development of mountainous areas, and continue to enhance endogenous development momentum. Accelerate the promotion of cadre talent resources to the 26 mountainous counties, and increase the exchange of cadres and talents between provincial agencies, economically developed areas and the 26 mountainous counties. The entire province will enhance marine awareness, promote the construction of a strong marine province, deepen the construction of the Zhejiang Marine Economic Development Demonstration Zone and the Zhoushan Islands New Area Version 2.0, further promote the construction of the Yongzhou-Wenzhou-Taiwan Port Industrial Belt, vigorously develop modern marine industries, and promote Comprehensive protection and utilization of coastal zones, strengthening the construction of smart marine projects, exploring the joint establishment of marine development funds by provinces and cities, promoting the characteristic and differentiated development of islands, and strengthening the protection of the island's ecological environment. Formulate guiding opinions on upgrading mountain-sea cooperation in the new development stage, strengthen land-sea coordination and mutual assistance between mountains and seas, accurately pair up and achieve win-win cooperation in accordance with the needs of industrial chain coordination, and deepen and expand cooperation in public services and other fields. Explore and improve the construction mechanism of "enclaves" for mountain-sea cooperation, build "industrial enclaves" and mountain-sea cooperation industrial parks at a high level, support mountainous islands and explore the construction of "science and technology enclaves" in central cities inside and outside the province, and promote sharing Create an "enclave" economic cooperation model and create a high-energy platform to support the development of mountainous areas. Greater efforts will be made to support the development of old revolutionary areas, strengthen later support for reservoir areas and resettlement areas, and support the construction of "ecological enclaves." Comprehensively promote rural revitalization in ethnic minority areas and deepen the pilot program for integrated urban and rural development in ethnic minority areas across the country in Jingning.


32. Create an upgraded version of counterpart work. Promote work projectization, project systematization, and system branding, further improve the working mechanism, strengthen assistance to underdeveloped areas outside the province, and comprehensively Improve counterpart work performance. Uphold and improve the east-west cooperation mechanism, focus on industrial cooperation, labor cooperation and consumption assistance with Sichuan and other places, enrich and innovate cooperation methods, and accelerate the construction of an all-round, multi-level and wide-area cooperation system. We will carry out long-term, comprehensive and precise counterpart assistance to Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai and other places, promote intellectual support, industrial support, improvement of people's livelihood, exchanges and integration, and cultural and educational support, and help the recipient areas achieve long-term stability and high-quality development. We will carry out in-depth counterpart cooperation between Zhejiang and Kyrgyzstan and promote the five major cooperation tasks of deepening opening up, industrial transformation, entrepreneurship and innovation, factor flow and people-to-people and cultural exchanges.


6. Create a cultural highland in the new era and promote the development of advanced socialist culture as a pioneer


33. Create an important position for studying, publicizing and practicing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Continue to consolidate and deepen the educational achievements on the theme of "Don't forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind", thoroughly implement the soul-building project, and improve the theoretical study and education of party members and cadres Institutional system, carry out the central group inspection system and the special learning system before major decisions. Deeply implement the traceability project, promote the century-old theoretical innovation research project, systematically carry out research on "The Germination and Practice of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in Zhejiang", build the provincial research center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and launch implementation The Marxist theoretical research and construction project in the new era will strengthen the construction of a platform for the transformation of theoretical research results and systematically build a theoretical traceability system. Implement the Zhejiang Humanities Revitalization Project to improve basic theory and emerging interdisciplinary research levels. In-depth implementation of the core project, improve the theoretical propaganda system for party members and leading cadres, and the grassroots theory propaganda work system, and create a number of grassroots propaganda brands, major policies and theoretical voice platforms with national influence, such as the "8090" new era theory propaganda. Implement the action of inheriting the red gene and firework, strengthen education on the history of the Party, the history of New China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, vigorously promote revolutionary culture such as the Red Boat Spirit, organize research on the Zhejiang imprint of the Chinese Communist Party’s century-long history, and build a red spiritual pedigree in Zhejiang , promote the construction of the Zhejiang Revolutionary Military Museum, improve the level of patriotism education base construction, and maintain the red roots.


34. Promote the creation of global civilization at a high level. Promote the core socialist values ​​to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, uphold and carry forward the Zhejiang spirit, and cultivate the "Zhejiang polite" provincial brand. Implement the action plan for the creation of global civilization, vigorously promote the creation of mass spiritual civilization such as civilized cities, civilized villages and towns, civilized units, civilized campuses, civilized families, etc., and promote the construction of new era civilized practice centers with full coverage. Promote the construction of citizen morals, implement the "Most Beautiful Zhejiang People" brand promotion campaign, and establish and improve the care and courtesy mechanism. Implement the action to improve the humanistic quality of the whole people and establish a normalized humanistic quality evaluation system. Carry forward the culture of integrity, deepen the action of changing customs, explore and implement the civilized points system, polish the brand of civilized practices such as courtesy zebra crossings, and promote the development of civilized good habits. Continue to carry out publicity and education with the theme of labor creating happiness, vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor, and the spirit of craftsmanship, create a social atmosphere of mutual respect, mutual care, mutual help, and harmony among people, and cultivate the spirit of hard work and common prosperity. Rich cultural atmosphere. Strengthen the construction of family education and family tradition, improve the volunteer service system, and carry out extensive volunteer service and care actions.


35. Build a high-quality public cultural service system. Promote the transformation of digital application of public culture and create application scenarios such as "Wen E Home" and "Cultural Auditorium Home". Deeply implement the project of creating excellent literary and artistic products in the new era, strengthen the organizational planning for the creation of major theme works, establish a "unveiling and leading" mechanism for major literary and artistic creation projects, improve the full-cycle literary and artistic quality service mechanism, and carefully build the Zhijiang Screenwriter Village and Chinese Internet Writers village and other new platforms for literary and artistic creation. Deeply implement the project to introduce and educate hundreds of cultural masters, and promote the plan for the return of Zhejiang famous literary and artistic figures. Implement a tens-billion cultural facility construction project, promote urban public cultural high-standard facilities and high-quality service improvement plans, and accelerate the construction of the National Library Hangzhou Branch, Zhijiang Cultural Center, Zhejiang Social Science Center, Zhejiang Concert Hall New Hall and other new-era Zhejiang Cultural landmark, start the construction of Zhejiang Film Academy and build Zhijiang Art Corridor. Deepen the implementation of the Hundred Cities and Tens of Thousand Villages Cultural Benefit Project, and fully realize that "the city has five museums, one hospital and one hall, the county has four museums and one hospital, the district has three museums, the towns (streets) have comprehensive cultural stations, and the villages have cultural halls." , innovate the brand of cultural activities that benefit the people such as cultural relatives, carry out the art revitalization plan for rural areas, implement the book-loving Zhejiang promotion action, and improve the equalization of basic public cultural services in urban and rural areas. Innovate the public cultural service supply mechanism, implement high-quality public cultural service standards, explore and implement the Zhejiang cultural security card system, deepen the reform of state-owned art troupes, expand effective ways for social forces to establish public cultural services, and promote socialization such as "cultural stewards" Operational management model. Promote the deep integration reform of media, improve modern communication capabilities, create a major new mainstream communication platform with national influence, build a modern communication system with precise reach, establish the Silk Road Cultural Research Institute, and implement Zhejiang Culture’s “Going Overseas Plan”, Create an international communication window that radiates around the world.


36. Inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Continue to promote the construction of the Grand Canal National Cultural Park and the Poetry Road Cultural Belt, promote the construction of the Source of Civilization Site Group and the World Cultural Heritage Group, and strengthen Protect and utilize the West Lake, Liangzhu, and the Grand Canal (Zhejiang section), promote the application of Shangshan Culture as a cultural heritage, accelerate the revitalization of the "thousand-year-old city", create representative Zhejiang cultural symbols and cultural logos, and improve famous historical and cultural cities, towns, and villages protection system. Implement the project to create hundreds of cultural gold business cards, strengthen the protection and inheritance of traditional crafts and traditional opera arts, actively apply for representative catalog projects such as human intangible cultural heritage and national memory heritage, build a Chinese Yue Opera museum, and actively build a Chinese Yue Opera cultural center. Promote the prosperity of fine arts and calligraphy, establish the Zhejiang Calligraphy Academy, and improve the level of the Zhejiang Painting Academy and the Zhejiang Oil Painting Academy. In-depth implementation of the cultural research project, decoding Zhejiang cultural genes, promoting the innovative transformation of Zhejiang School, Yongjia School, Yangming School of Mind, Nan Kong Confucianism, Hehe Culture, etc., building a Song Yun cultural inheritance and exhibition center, conducting research on contemporary Zhejiang intellectual history, and compiling Zhejiang Library systematically enhances the brand influence of Zhejiang University.


37. Accelerate the high-quality development of cultural industries. Enrich the supply of high-quality cultural products and services to better meet the cultural needs of the people. Implement the digitalization strategy of the cultural industry, cultivate emerging cultural formats, and build a national digital publishing, short video, music, and online audio-visual industry base. Optimize the development layout of the cultural industry, promote the high-quality development of the Zhijiang Cultural Industry Belt, support Hengdian in establishing a national-level film and television cultural industry pilot demonstration zone, and build a film and television innovation center and digital culture industry cluster with international influence. Implement the project of creating excellence by hundreds of famous cultural enterprises, promote the integrated development strategy of cultural industries, create world-class tourist attractions and resorts with rich cultural heritage, and national-level tourism and leisure cities and neighborhoods with distinctive cultural characteristics, and deeply promote "Poetry and Painting Zhejiang" The "Hundred Counties Thousand Bowls" project will create a national culture and tourism integration demonstration area and a national sports tourism demonstration area. Build a comprehensive tourism demonstration province, promote the development of the entire industrial chain of rural tourism, forest health care, and homestay economy, create important destinations for marine tourism and mountain tourism, and strive to launch pilot reforms to facilitate inbound and outbound tourism.


7. Build a national ecological civilization experimental zone and promote the pioneering demonstration of ecological civilization construction


38. We will make every effort to fight a protracted battle to consolidate and improve the ecological environment. Implement the strictest ecological and environmental protection system, in-depth fight against water, gas, soil, waste and plastic, and build a comprehensive application of digital ecological and environmental protection System, improve the closed-loop management and control mechanism for the detection, disposal and inference of environmental pollution problems, improve the environmental judicial system and the ecological and environmental public interest litigation system, and continue to promote the improvement of environmental quality. Comprehensively promote the clean air action, strengthen the coordinated control of multiple pollutants and regional coordinated governance, and 85% of cities at or above the county level have established clean air demonstration zones. We will deepen the "Five Waters Co-management" clean water action and comprehensively build "zero direct sewage discharge zones" in cities and towns. Build a safe and beautiful "Zhejiang Water Network" and add 500 beautiful rivers and lakes. The action of "strengthening the base, increasing efficiency and raising standards" for rural domestic sewage has been implemented, and the treatment coverage rate of administrative villages and the compliance rate of effluent water quality have reached over 95%. Coordinate and promote the coordinated management of land and sea pollution, marine ecological protection and restoration, strengthen the protection and construction of "Beautiful Bay", launch provincial "Blue Bay" rectification, carry out marine ecological early warning and monitoring, and promote the stability of the marine ecological environment. good. Strengthen the risk management and control of the entire soil environment and establish a safe utilization model for agricultural land. Build a "waste-free city" across the region, strengthen closed-loop supervision of solid waste, non-contact intelligent supervision of medical waste, strictly implement the plastic ban and plastic restriction system, and achieve full coverage of urban domestic waste classification in the province, with all districts and cities and more than 60% Counties (cities, districts) have been built into "no-waste cities" and "no-waste demonstration provinces" across the country.  


39. Implement ecological restoration and biodiversity protection. Comprehensively implement the ecological environment zoning management and control system with "three lines and one single" as the core, and strictly follow ecological protection, basic farmland, and urban development Borders are subject to use controls. Adhere to the strictest cultivated land protection system and the strictest land conservation system, curb the "non-agriculturalization" of cultivated land, strictly control the "non-grain conversion", strictly standardize and implement the cultivated land occupation and compensation balance system, and strengthen the protection of the quantity and quality of cultivated land. promote. Comprehensively promote the comprehensive land consolidation and ecological restoration of the entire rural area, explore the comprehensive consolidation of all factors in the entire rural area, and support Ningbo in launching a pilot program for comprehensive land and space consolidation in the entire territory. Accelerate the construction of a natural protected area system, promote the construction of Qianjiangyuan Baishanzu National Park, and strengthen wetland protection and restoration. The proportion of natural protected areas in the land area has reached 9.8%. Comprehensively carry out ecological protection and restoration of eight major river systems and coastal sea areas, accelerate the construction of Chun'an special ecological function zone, comprehensively complete the ecological protection and restoration project of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses in the source area of Qiantang River, and accelerate the implementation of ecological protection and restoration projects of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand in the source area of Oujiang River. Conservation and restoration projects. Strengthen the coordinated management of cross-provincial water bodies such as Taihu Lake and Qiandao Lake, and promote the prevention and control of blue algae in Taihu Lake and the joint construction and protection of the Xin'an River-Qiandao Lake basin. Comprehensively improve the level of biodiversity protection, build a herbarium and gene bank featuring rare and endangered wild animals and plants in the Yangtze River Delta, and achieve a conservation rate of 95% for key biological species.


40. Formulate and implement an action plan to peak carbon emissions with high standards. Scientific preparation and implementation of the overall carbon peaking plan around the four indicators of total energy consumption, total carbon emissions, energy consumption intensity and carbon emission intensity The plan and the "6+1" action plan in key areas of energy, industry, construction, transportation, agriculture, residents' lives and technological innovation will coordinate the promotion of comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society. Accelerate the adjustment of energy structure, actively and orderly develop nuclear power, strictly control total coal consumption, build a clean energy supply system, ensure the completion of the "dual control" goal of energy, and increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption to 24%. Deeply adjust the industrial structure, vigorously develop low-carbon and efficient industries, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of high-carbon industries, resolutely curb the blind development of "two high" projects, accelerate the construction of green manufacturing systems, and build 50 green and low-carbon parks. 500 factories. Promote green and low-carbon development in the fields of construction, transportation, and agriculture, carry out extensive green life creation actions, strengthen support for green and low-carbon technological innovation, and achieve higher-quality development with minimal carbon emissions. Promote a carbon-neutral system for large-scale events, carry out pilot construction of a "zero-carbon" system, promote the greening of an additional million acres of land, increase ecosystem carbon sinks, and build a carbon-peak carbon-neutral digital intelligence system and comprehensive application scenarios, Promote low-carbon transition legislation.


41. Comprehensively implement the ecological product value realization mechanism. Explore and establish a normalized GEP accounting and assessment system with Zhejiang characteristics, formulate and release GEP accounting standards for land and sea, and promote the construction of GEP accounting application systems across the region , improve the financial reward and subsidy mechanism linked to the quality and value of ecological products. Promote the national pilot of Lishui ecological product value realization mechanism, deepen the comprehensive reform pilot of Anji's practice of the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are gold and silver mountains, and explore innovative paths to realize the value of high-quality water resources. Build an ecological economic system that integrates digitalization and green development, establish a large database of ecological resources, explore the construction of an ecological product value transformation platform, accelerate the construction of the "Two Mountains Bank", coordinate the reform of the property rights system of natural resource assets, and innovate the ecological compensation mechanism , cultivate and develop ecological products and ecological asset trading markets, and take the lead in implementing market-based transactions of emission rights, energy rights, water rights, and carbon emission rights. Promote the development of green finance with high standards, deepen the construction of Huzhou and Quzhou green finance reform and innovation pilot zones, and support the creation of a national green finance reform and innovation demonstration zone.

8. Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era and promote the pioneering demonstration of social governance


42. Improve the "integration of four governance" urban and rural grassroots governance systems led by party organizations. Strengthen the party's overall leadership of grassroots governance, implement the system of "big working committee" in streets and "big party committee" in communities, Strengthen political guidance on the platform economy and platform enterprises, and strengthen group party work in emerging fields and new employment forms. Comprehensively promote the county's overall smart governance reform of "county and township integration, strip control and block integration", iteratively upgrade the "one center, four platforms and one grid" county social governance system, and promote the clarification of county and township governance rights and responsibilities, organizational modularization, and Integration of matters, intelligent means, and efficient collaboration will promote the decentralization of approval services and law enforcement forces, and enhance the ability of towns (subdistricts) to manage society and serve the people. We will improve the "one shoulder to shoulder" post-village community governance system, improve the village-level small and micro power list system, and promote the efficient operation of village community teams. Improve the working mechanism of the county-level social conflicts and disputes mediation and resolution center, improve the functions of conflict mediation, analysis and judgment, and emergency command, and give full play to the role of the terminal for resolving petitions and conflicts and disputes. Vigorously promote the petition agency system, put non-litigation dispute resolution mechanisms at the forefront, and deepen the management of litigation sources. The system for receiving visits from leading cadres has been improved, and the on-the-spot resolution rate of complaints and disputes at or below the county level has reached over 95%. Promote the modernization of municipal social governance, comprehensively build a social governance community in which everyone is responsible, fulfills responsibilities, and enjoys the benefits, improve the grassroots democratic consultation system, innovate community and group organizations, social organizations, social workers, community volunteers, and social The linkage mechanism of charity resources promotes multiple participation mechanisms such as villagers' voice, people's opinions, "people's livelihood forum", "contractual" co-construction, etc., to achieve positive interaction between government governance and social adjustment, and village (resident) autonomy . We will continue to deepen the construction and improvement of party-mass service centers (village-level organization activity venues), and strive to create a grassroots ruling position that leads politics, serves the masses, and unites people's hearts. With the thorough implementation of the Ten Thousand Villages Good Governance Project, more than 50% of the province's communities (villages) have achieved the goal of "good governance of communities (villages)".


43. Accelerate the construction of the China Demonstration Zone for the Rule of Law. Adhere to the connection between legislation and reform, give full play to the leading and promoting role of legislation, take the lead in building a local regulations, rules and policy system that promotes common prosperity, and promptly Amend and abolish inappropriate local regulations and government regulations. Deepen the "comprehensive and integrated" administrative law enforcement reform, accelerate the construction of a full-coverage government supervision system and a fully closed-loop administrative law enforcement system, and comprehensively promote "one team for law enforcement" and cross-department and cross-field comprehensive law enforcement at the grassroots level. , fully implement the classified management system for administrative law enforcement civil servants. Strengthen the integrated construction of penalty execution and take the lead in solving difficult execution problems. Give full play to the role of administrative dispute mediation center and promote the substantive resolution of administrative disputes. Accelerate the construction of a standardized and efficient judicial supervision system, improve the work connection mechanism between law enforcement and judicial agencies, and improve judicial quality, efficiency and credibility. Accelerate the establishment of a legal network governance system. Strengthen the construction of global digital courts and improve the legal level of cyberspace governance. Strengthen the construction of digital procuratorial work and establish and improve a big data procuratorial supervision system. Comprehensively build a society governed by the rule of law, accelerate the legalization of grassroots social governance, accelerate the establishment of a public legal service system that is universally beneficial, equal, convenient, efficient, intelligent and accurate, increase the popularization of the law, implement an action plan to improve citizens' legal literacy, and promote respect for the law, learn the law, abide by the law, and use it. Innovate the "Credit+" governance system, deeply implement the "531X" project of credit construction, and promote all-round integrity, all-data credit, and the whole society's credit use.


44. Build a high-level Safe China Demonstration Zone. Put the protection of people's lives and safety first, improve the risk "monitoring, early warning, disposal, feedback" closed-loop management and safety mechanism, effectively Prevent and resolve major risks and challenges. Establish a precise industry supervision system for the entire chain of fire protection, road transportation, hazardous chemicals, maritime vessels, food, medicine, ecological environment and finance, etc., establish and improve the "containing major" working mechanism, and resolutely curb major and major safety production accidents. We will improve a three-dimensional, legal, professional, and intelligent social security prevention and control system, and improve the normalized fight against gangs and evil. Comprehensively strengthen economic security, strengthen resources, energy, and food security, and resolutely maintain the bottom line of preventing regional economic and financial risks. Accelerate the construction of a "great security, great emergency response, and great disaster reduction" system, improve the natural disaster prevention and control system, establish and improve the urban and rural disaster prevention and reduction system, comprehensively eliminate seawall hazards, deepen geological disaster risk management and prevention and control pilots, and strengthen emergency response capabilities Build and develop social rescue forces and promote catastrophe insurance. Promote the establishment of safe development model cities. Build a comprehensive network governance system, promote online and offline integrated governance, implement the network ecological "lookout post" project, and promote social co-governance of cyberspace.


9. Establish safeguard measures and promotion mechanism for high-quality development and common prosperity demonstration zone


45. Uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership. Insist on putting the party's political construction first, effectively strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", Achieve "two maintenances". Establish and improve a comprehensive leadership system in which the party oversees the overall situation and coordinates all parties, implement the "seven list of issues" to highlight the rectification mechanism, and integrate the party's leadership throughout the entire process, every field, and every link of promoting common prosperity. Deepen the political construction of the leadership team. Strengthen the party's organizational building, thoroughly implement the project of "hundred counties striving for success, thousands of townships promoted, and thousands of villages excelling", and regular implementation of county-level leadership team members traveling from township to village. Explore a new mechanism for grassroots party building in cities at the provincial level, promote the two new party building "three years of excellence and overall improvement", coordinate the construction of grassroots party organizations in various fields, and give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. We will improve the "one system and three mechanisms" for personnel selection and employment, and promote the systematic reshaping of the cadre team and cadre work. Build a team of high-quality professional cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, enhance the new ability of leading cadres to lead the promotion of modernization and common prosperity, and solidly promote common prosperity on a trial basis.


46. Deeply promote the construction of a clean Zhejiang. Promote the in-depth development of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, implement the main responsibilities and supervisory responsibilities of comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and strive to create honest cadres and a clean government , a clean and honest Zhejiang with clear politics and clear society, and create a clean and upright political ecology. Coordinate and promote the construction of corruption-free units, create a number of corruption benchmarks such as corruption-free agencies, corruption-free villages, corruption-free schools, corruption-free hospitals, corruption-free state-owned enterprises, corruption-free private enterprises, corruption-free transportation, etc., and build a highland of corruption-free culture. Strengthen the correct style, eliminate discipline and fight corruption, promote the "Dare not Corrupt, Cannot Corrupt, and Don't Want to Corrupt" as a whole, address the "Four Styles", establish new styles, adhere to and deepen the "later experience", and give full play to the township (subdistrict) discipline inspection and supervision organizations and the village-level supervisory liaison station, vigorously rectify corruption problems and unhealthy tendencies around the masses, so that the masses can feel fairness and justice in the comprehensive and strict governance of the party. Improve the overall supervision work pattern, improve the "four supervision" coordinating and coordinating system of discipline, supervision, dispatch and inspection, strengthen the integration and coordination of disciplinary inspection and supervision with organizational, judicial, accounting, auditing, statistics and mass supervision, and explore the establishment of public power Apply big data supervision to build a system and mechanism with transparent and unified rights and responsibilities, and promote the practice of the party and state supervision system in Zhejiang.


47. Comprehensively deepen digital reform. Use digitalization to drive system reshaping, reshape the relationship between government, society, enterprises and individuals in the context of common prosperity, and take the lead in forming and digital transformation Production methods, lifestyles, and governance methods that are suitable for the times. Build an integrated and intelligent public data platform, accelerate the construction of integrated resource systems, application data warehouses, and topic libraries, promote the open sharing of data, and establish and improve data governance mechanisms. Promote the comprehensive application construction of overall intelligent governance of party and government agencies, build a digital collaborative work scenario with one-screen control of the overall situation, one-click access to government orders, consistent implementation, one-stop service, and unobstructed supervision, and build a modern party and government agency with overall intelligent governance and efficient collaboration . Promote the construction of comprehensive applications of digital government, iteratively upgrade the "Zhejiang Zhengding" and "Zhejiang Office", and accelerate the construction of a high-quality and convenient inclusive service system, a fair and just law enforcement and supervision system, an overall and efficient operation management system and global wisdom A collaborative management system has been established to comprehensively build a "province of mobile services", "a province of mobile office" and "a province of mobile governance". Promote the construction of comprehensive applications of the digital economy, take "industrial brain + future factory" as the core business scenario, promote comprehensive connection of all factors, the entire industry chain, and the entire value chain, and promote the effective allocation of resource elements and efficient coordination of industrial development. Promote the construction of comprehensive applications of digital society, take "urban brain + future community" as the core business scenario, and realize the digitization of social space, the sharing of social services, and the precision of social policies. Promote the construction of comprehensive application of digital rule of law and comprehensively improve the scientificity, efficiency, and integrity of legislation, law enforcement, justice, and legal popularization. Build a theoretical system and institutional normative system for digital reform, and explore the formation of a digital governance system and mechanism with Chinese characteristics. Comprehensively implement actions to improve overall network security capabilities and build an integrated digital reform network security system.


48. Strengthen policy and system innovation. In accordance with the orientation of common prosperity, promote systematic changes in policies and systems in all fields and aspects. Focus on key areas and study and issue relevant supporting policies at the provincial level. Take the initiative to undertake nationwide reform pilots and exploration and demonstration tasks, strive to pioneer in technological innovation, digital reform, distribution system reform, coordinated urban and rural development, public services, and realization of ecological product value, and take the lead in forming innovative and breakthrough systems Results.


49. Establish an implementation mechanism with top-down linkage and efficient collaboration. The Provincial Party Committee established a Social Construction Committee. The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have established a leading group for high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone. The main leader of the Provincial Party Committee serves as the team leader. The office of the leading group is located at the Provincial Development and Reform Commission. Establish and improve the list-based promotion mechanism, formulate a list of key tasks, a list of breakthroughs, and a list of major reforms, clarify task responsibilities, and implement closed-loop management. Establish and improve the Dacheng intelligence gathering mechanism, build multi-level think tank platforms such as international, domestic, provincial and enterprise, and appoint provincial party committee think tank consultants to provide intellectual support for promoting the construction of demonstration zones. All localities and departments must resolutely shoulder their missions, consolidate work responsibilities, improve working mechanisms, and form a work system that integrates systems, implements precise policies, and grasps the situation to the end.


50. Establish a mechanism to strive for excellence. Encourage and support qualified cities, counties and relevant departments to carry out integrated innovation and special pilot projects on major reforms and major policies for the construction of demonstration zones, Create more best practices and promote overall breakthroughs from point to point. Establish a best practice summary and promotion mechanism, timely summarize universal experience, give feedback on system effects, form Zhejiang standards, and promptly replicate and promote them across the country. Continue to deepen the positive interaction of "two responsibilities", further build and make good use of the work exchange meetings between provincial unit directors and county (city, district) party secretaries, and guide cadres and officers to start businesses and strive for reform breakthroughs with the correct employment orientation. , establish and improve a comprehensive three-dimensional perspective inspection and recognition mechanism, error tolerance and correction mechanism, and strengthen the incentive and protection of cadres who dare to take on good deeds.


51. Build an evaluation and assessment system that promotes common prosperity. In conjunction with the "Eight-Eighth Strategy", we will implement comprehensive assessments, adhere to the combination of quantitative and qualitative, objective and subjective evaluations, and deepen statistical reform. Scientifically establish an evaluation system and target indicator system for high-quality development and construction of common prosperity demonstration areas, explore the establishment of measurement standards and methods for the realization of common prosperity, and explore the establishment of an evaluation index for the masses' sense of gain, happiness, and security to comprehensively reflect the effectiveness of the construction of the demonstration area and better Reflect the satisfaction and identity of the people. Strengthen monitoring, analysis and dynamic adjustments. Incorporate requirements related to the goal of promoting common prosperity into the comprehensive performance assessment of party and government leadership and leading cadres to improve the quality of assessment work. Establish a regular supervision mechanism, innovate and improve supervision methods, and improve the problem feedback and rectification mechanism.


52. Gather the powerful force of the whole society to work together for common prosperity. Adhere to the masses as the main body, clearly encourage hard work to get rich, be the first to get rich, clearly encourage the first to get rich and then to get rich, the first to get rich to help the latter to get rich, and inspire Endogenous power to achieve common prosperity. Give full play to the active role of the National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, all democratic parties, federations of industry and commerce, and non-party personages; strengthen the functions of trade unions, the Communist Youth League, the Women's Federation, the Association for Science and Technology, the Overseas Chinese Federation and other people's organizations in leading services and connecting with the masses; and fully stimulate the enthusiasm of all people to promote common prosperity. Initiative and creativity allow everyone to become a direct participant, active contributor, and common beneficiary of common prosperity. Relying on the common struggle and solidarity of all people, we can embark on the road of common prosperity of joint construction, joint governance, and sharing.


Source: Zhejiang Release