Notice of the zhejiang provincial people’s government on issuing the “14th five-year plan” for the development of the financial industry in zhejiang province

The people's governments of all cities and counties (cities, districts), and the units directly under the provincial government:

The "14th Five-Year Plan for Financial Industry Development in Zhejiang Province" is now issued to you. Please implement it conscientiously in light of actual conditions.



Zhejiang Provincial People's Government

June 8, 2021

(This article is released to the public)


Zhejiang Province’s “14th Five-Year Plan” for Financial Industry Development

In accordance with the spirit of the "14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of Zhejiang Province and the Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035" and in order to better promote the high-quality development of the province's financial industry during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, this plan is specially prepared . The planning period is 2021-2025.

1、Overall requirements

(1) Development foundation.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, our province has thoroughly implemented the relevant decisions and arrangements on financial work of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, promoted financial supply-side structural reform, implemented smooth financing projects, built an emerging financial center, and made every effort to prevent and resolve major financial risks. The construction of a financially strong province with positive economic and financial interaction is at the forefront of the country.

The strength of the financial industry has reached a new level. Promote the construction of the Qiantang River Financial Harbor, Hangzhou International Financial Technology Center, a mobile payment province and a financial town, establish and upgrade a number of financial institutions, promote the clustered development of new financial formats such as financial technology and wealth management, and strengthen the financial industry. A large financial industry pattern with strong ability to serve the real economy has basically taken shape. The added value of the financial industry accounted for 8.7% of the regional GDP from 6.8%, and the total assets of financial institutions reached 20.8 trillion yuan. In 2020, the financial industry achieved total operating income of 1.8 trillion yuan, and tax revenue exceeded 100 billion yuan.

The quality and efficiency of financial services to the real economy have been significantly enhanced. Focus on key areas and weak links, unblock the financial policy transmission mechanism, promote the incremental expansion of financial services and reduce prices, improve the availability, convenience and inclusiveness of financing, and achieve substantial results in overcoming financing congestion and difficulties for private and small and micro enterprises. The balance of deposits and loans of financial institutions reached 15.2 trillion yuan and 14.4 trillion yuan respectively, ranking fifth and third in the country respectively. The private economy, inclusive small and micro enterprises, manufacturing and agriculture-related loans all ranked among the best in the country. In 2020, non-financial enterprises issued 906.8 billion yuan of various types of bonds; the insurance industry ranked fourth in the country in premium income, providing a risk protection balance of 2360 trillion yuan.

Use capital markets to effectively lead industrial transformation and upgrading. Vigorously implemented the "Phoenix Action" and coordinated the promotion of corporate share reform and listing, as well as training and guidance. There were 280 new domestic and overseas listed companies, bringing the total to 659, and new capital market financing of 979.5 billion yuan; among them, 518 were domestically listed companies, ranking first in the country. Second, new M&A investment was 539.6 billion yuan. There are 713 companies listed on the New OTC Market. A comprehensive service system for regional equity markets has been basically formed, with 12,585 listed companies. The scale of assets under management of private investment funds reaches 1,417.2 billion yuan, ranking fourth in the country.

Regional financial reform leads the country. Ningbo National Insurance Innovation Comprehensive Pilot Zone and Inclusive Finance Reform Pilot Zone, Huzhou and Quzhou Green Finance Reform and Innovation Pilot Zones have achieved new breakthroughs, Wenzhou Financial Comprehensive Reform, Taizhou Small and Micro Enterprise Financial Services Reform and Innovation, Lishui Rural Financial Reform, Yiwu International Trade Special financial reforms and financial reform and innovation in free trade zones have achieved new results, and financial reforms have basically achieved full coverage of key areas and key links.

The financial ecological environment is safe and stable. With the in-depth implementation of the battle to prevent and resolve major financial risks, financial risks have generally converged and the resilience against risks has been significantly enhanced. The "Local Financial Regulations of Zhejiang Province" were promulgated and implemented, the financial risk "dragnet" monitoring and prevention system was effectively operated, and the financial legal, policy and credit environment were comprehensively optimized. For many years in a row, the work of creating an honest and trustworthy financial ecological environment and maintaining a good financial order has achieved good results. Commended by the State Council.

At the same time, the development of the financial industry is still unbalanced and inadequate: the financial supply structure does not match the needs of economic diversification, and the proportion of direct financing is still low; the capital strength and competitiveness of local corporate financial institutions are not strong enough, and the construction of financial market service platforms needs to be Further strengthening; the regional financial governance system is not perfect enough, and the task of preventing and defusing financial risks remains arduous.

(2) Overall idea.

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the party's overall leadership, adhere to the people-centered approach, base ourselves on the new development stage, implement new development concepts, focus on deepening the financial supply-side structural reform, and use finance to serve the real economy As the foundation, we should take digital reform as the guide, coordinate regional financial development, reform and stability, open up an effective path for the new development pattern of financial services, promote the construction of modern financial system and governance system, and firmly hold the bottom line of preventing regional systemic financial risks. , basically build a strategic fulcrum for financial services that gathers high-end resources, a hub for allocating financial factors that promotes internal and external circulation, and create a strong province for high-quality financial development and a pioneering demonstration province for modern regional financial governance.

(3) Main objectives.

Focusing on the new development pattern, we will build a digital and intelligent financial platform to improve our ability to serve the real economy, our ability to serve people with inclusive finance, our ability to develop high-quality financial industries, and our ability to prevent, control and handle financial risks. We will accelerate the creation of a first-class emerging financial center in the country and implement unimpeded financing in depth. Project and "Phoenix Action" two upgraded versions, actively create three highlands for international financial technology innovation, multi-level capital market development, and financial services for private and small, medium and micro enterprises, and jointly build science and technology innovation finance, green finance, The four characteristic areas of inclusive finance and open finance have formed a number of breakthrough and landmark achievements.

——The digital intelligence of regional financial operating systems has become more prominent. With the goal of improving financial supply capabilities and a digital and intelligent financial platform with Zhejiang characteristics as the core, we will build a digital and intelligent regional financial operation system. Use digital thinking, methods and means to promote innovation in financial concepts, systems and models, achieve changes in financial quality, efficiency and motivation, and create a digital and smart finance pioneer province.

——The aggregation of financial resources has unique advantages. Deeply promote the characteristic development layout of the financial industry, build an international financial technology innovation highland with Hangzhou International Financial Technology Center as the leader, and build a wealth management highland with Qiantang River Financial Harbor as the core. Continue to optimize financial institutions, products and service systems, enhance the level of financial market service platforms and the competitiveness of financial institutions, and attract the accumulation of various financial resources.

——Financial protection is more precise and powerful. Improve the financial system and mechanism to effectively support the real economy, accelerate the transformation from mainly relying on indirect financing to diversified financing methods, and further increase the proportion of direct financing. Continue to increase financial support in key areas, increase the proportion of loans to technology-based enterprises, medium and long-term manufacturing, inclusive small and micro enterprises, corporate credit and green enterprises, expand the scale of private economy and agriculture-related loans, and improve the availability of financial services , coverage and satisfaction, to achieve a more efficient allocation of financial factors, a more optimized structure, and a smoother circulation.

——The development of multi-level capital markets is of higher quality. Through full-process participation of funds, full-cycle policy support and full-chain service guarantees, we will promote enterprise listings and mergers and acquisitions with high quality. Use the capital market to cultivate more leading, single-champion and hidden champion companies, and strive to have 180 domestic and overseas listed companies with a market value of more than 20 billion yuan. The regional equity market innovation pilot took the lead in achieving breakthroughs, and private equity investment funds developed and expanded in a standardized manner.

——Regional financial reform and opening up to a higher level. Deepen regional financial reform, take the lead in exploring a number of standardized experiences, promote a number of innovative systems, form 20 landmark achievements, maintain national leadership in science and technology innovation finance, green finance, inclusive finance and other fields, and form a national demonstration. Expand high-level two-way opening up of regional finance, promote cross-border capital flow facilitation, and create a highland for open financial development.

——Modern regional financial governance will be improved. Implement the financial security strategy, improve the regional financial governance system led by party building, based on the rule of law, integrated intelligent governance, and efficient coordination, and improve regional financial governance capabilities. Strengthen scientific and prudent supervision, prevent the disorderly expansion of capital in the financial field, and promote innovation and healthy development of financial regulations. Effectively prevent and resolve financial risks, strengthen provincial, municipal and county linkage, inter-departmental collaboration, and government, financial and enterprise collaboration to jointly create a better financial ecological environment.


2、In-depth implementation of the upgraded version of the smooth financing project

(1) Focus on financial support to build a high-level innovative province.

Improve the financial system that supports technological innovation. In line with the strategy of strengthening the province through talent and innovation, we will establish and improve specialized institutions such as science and technology loan centers, science and technology finance departments, science and technology branches, and science and technology insurance companies, and implement specialized management teams and systems for credit management, risk prevention and control, assessment and incentives, etc. . Build a financial support innovation and development service alliance and experimental platform, strengthen the financial docking innovation consortium, and provide long-term and stable partnership-style scientific and technological financial services. Accelerate the development of intellectual property transactions and supporting service agencies in legal, accounting, management consulting, assessment and certification, credit rating and other aspects, and build an all-round, multi-level and multi-channel financial support technology innovation system.

Increase equity capital investment in scientific and technological innovation enterprises. Create a scientific and technological innovation fund system led by government industrial funds, participated by social capital, and operated in a market-oriented manner to promote the formation of innovative capital and focus on supporting key core technology research and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the fields of "Internet +", life and health, new materials, and digital economy. Make full use of the advantages of gathering private equity funds in financial towns, register an additional 500 billion yuan in venture capital and private equity investment funds, and incubate and cultivate a number of technology-based small, medium and micro enterprises and high-tech enterprises. Vigorously promote high-growth and mature technology companies to be listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board, GEM, etc.

Strengthen comprehensive financial services that support technological innovation. Establish a credit support model suitable for scientific and technological innovation, promote intellectual property and equity pledge loans, and achieve a loan balance of scientific and technological enterprises exceeding 1 trillion yuan. Improve the stock-bond linkage mechanism and promote services such as "loans + direct investment" and "loans + options". Expand the scale of mass entrepreneurship and innovation bond financing. Develop science and technology insurance, expand the coverage of the first set of major technical equipment insurance and other businesses, and explore comprehensive patent insurance. Optimize financial services such as talent banks, talent insurance, talent guarantees, and talent small loans to create the best talent financial ecological province.

(2) Develop supply chain finance to support the modernization of the industrial chain.

Strengthen financial security for advanced manufacturing industries. According to the financial needs for the cultivation and upgrading of iconic industrial chains and industrial clusters, financial institutions will be promoted to accurately implement "one chain, one policy, one plan" services and build an integrated financial supply system. Increase support for the digital, intelligent, and green transformation of the manufacturing industry, and promote the incremental expansion of medium-term working capital loans for the manufacturing industry. Improve the government-finance-enterprise cooperation mechanism, gather resources from policy, development, and commercial financial institutions, and strengthen financial support for major industrial platforms, industrial investment projects, provincial, municipal, and county projects.

Innovate supply chain financial service model. Use blockchain and other technologies to integrate information such as logistics, capital flow, and information flow to build "core enterprises + collaborative enterprises + chain-network finance" comprehensive financial services, and provide digital, scenario-based, and ecological supply chain financial solutions. Deepen the construction of accounts receivable financing service platform and supply chain bill platform, promote the application of a unified registration and publicity system for movable property financing, and a regional supply chain financial technology platform to improve the financing efficiency of small, medium and micro enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the supply chain. The balance of loans related to industrial chain enterprises has reached 4 Trillion yuan.

Efforts will be made to support the dual-cycle integrated development of Zhejiang businesses. Promote the collaboration of foreign-related financial institutions, legal accounting institutions, industry associations and overseas economic and trade cooperation zones to build a financial service network that supports the overseas development of Zhejiang enterprises. Using tools such as international syndicated loans, domestic guarantees for overseas loans, and cross-border guarantees, we provide full-chain financial linkage products and precise services for cross-border trade, investment, and mergers and acquisitions, and promote the new layout of the global industrial chain, supply chain, and value chain of Zhejiang merchants. .

(3) High standards promote finance to support green and low-carbon development.

Improve the green financial system. Focusing on the vision of achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, we will take the lead in promoting environmental information disclosure, climate and environmental risk stress testing of financial institutions across the country, strengthen the green financial performance evaluation and assessment of financial institutions, and guide financial institutions to increase the scale and proportion of green assets. Promote listed companies to disclose environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance information. Deepen the construction of local norms and standards for green finance and strive to upgrade some of them to national standards.

Innovate green financial products and services. Promote banks to establish green finance divisions, green branches and other specialized institutions, expand the scale of loans to green parks, green enterprises, green projects, etc., and explore products such as environmental equity loans and energy efficiency loans. Actively promote the listing and financing of qualified green companies and encourage the issuance of green bonds. Support insurance institutions in setting up green insurance product innovation laboratories and promote green insurance products. Actively develop green trusts, green funds, and green guarantees. Actively participate in the construction of the national carbon emissions trading market.

Strengthen green financial incentives and constraints. Improve the green information sharing mechanism, establish and improve a database of green enterprises and green projects, and support financial institutions in fully utilizing green information such as corporate environmental credit. Implement differentiated green financial policies, coordinate fiscal, industrial, environmental protection and other policies, explore and establish incentive mechanisms that link ecological credit behavior with finance, and promote the flow of financial resources to green production, green transportation, green buildings, green technology innovation and other fields. Study facilitation measures to support cross-border investment and financing of green enterprises. Strictly control the credit granting of projects with high energy consumption and high emissions.

(4) Promote precise financial services to private and small, medium and micro enterprises.

Promote the expansion of financing. Financial institutions are urged to maintain consistency in loan conditions, loan interest rates, and due diligence exemption conditions for market entities with different ownerships under the same conditions, prudently regulate loan guarantees and guarantees for private enterprises, and increase the proportion of private economic loans and corporate credit loans. We will carry out in-depth operations to expand first-time borrowers and expand inclusive loans to small and micro enterprises. Comprehensively implement the list of authorization, credit and due diligence exemptions for banking institutions, urge banking institutions to delegate loan approval authority to city and county branches, shorten the financing chain, and lower the focus of services. Improve the financing support mechanism for corporate bond issuance and expand the scale of debt financing instruments, corporate bonds, corporate bonds and other financing.

Promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of financing services. Comprehensively implement the credit “oxygenation” plan for small and micro enterprises and the “drip irrigation” project of financial services, and innovate financial policy tools to support private enterprises. Promote the empowerment of digital finance, continue to solve problems such as credit evaluation and risk pricing of small, medium and micro enterprises, and innovate and promote convenient financial services such as "Loan Code" and "Xinyidai". Deepen the construction of the policy guarantee system, improve the "head-to-head" cooperation mechanism between banks and guarantees, and improve the government's financing guarantee capacity and magnification. Promote local financial organizations to deepen services for small and micro enterprises and unblock the "capillaries" of financial services.

Reduce comprehensive financing costs. Make full use of various structural monetary policy tools and encourage and support financial institutions to issue loans with preferential interest rates. Deepen the construction of the interest rate pricing system of financial institutions and strengthen interest rate policy guidance. We will vigorously promote non-repayable loans and medium-term working capital loans for small and micro enterprises, and deepen the use of insurance and bank guarantees as substitutes for deposits. We will further standardize credit financing charges, comprehensively clean up all types of unreasonable charges, and promote a steady but steady decline in the comprehensive financing costs of small and micro enterprises.

(5) Deepen finance to promote rural revitalization and common prosperity.

Deepen financial support for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. Improve the system of rural financial institutions, vigorously support the development of financial institutions with legal persons and businesses in counties, encourage banks to establish internal institutions to serve rural revitalization, and enhance the service functions, radius and capabilities of grassroots financial outlets. Optimize the credit supply of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", prudently promote mortgage loans such as rural contracted land management rights, forest rights, farm property rights, and collective commercial construction land use rights, and innovatively support new rural collective economies, new agricultural business entities, and new rural industries. , new business types of credit products, effectively guaranteeing the funding needs for agricultural infrastructure, breeding and breeding, and beautiful rural construction. Promote policy-based agricultural insurance to expand coverage, increase products and improve quality, establish and improve agricultural insurance catastrophic risk diversification mechanisms, and expand the scope of agricultural-related insurance policy pledges. Deepen the construction of rural credit systems and mechanisms such as agricultural credit guarantees, rural mutual aid guarantees, fishery mutual aid insurance, and agricultural product “insurance + futures”.

Promote the construction of financial promotion demonstration zones for common prosperity. Implement measures to provide financial assistance to 26 counties in mountainous areas, do a good job in connecting policy and development financial institutions with special financing such as "Common Wealth", and promote leapfrog development. Innovate and develop financial products suitable for rural characteristics, explore ways to increase the factor income of low- and middle-income groups through capital factor use rights and income rights, and steadily increase residents' property income. Deepen the work of small inclusive loans for rural households, standardize the development of digital inclusive financial services such as mobile payments, Internet loans, Internet insurance, and Internet financial management, standardize and orderly develop consumer finance, and better meet the diverse financial needs of the people. Improve the barrier-free financial service system and help the elderly and disabled people bridge the digital divide. Improve the government-insurance cooperation mechanism, develop catastrophe insurance, long-term care insurance, and exclusive commercial pension insurance, achieve full coverage of supplementary medical insurance for low-income groups, and promote insurance institutions to participate more broadly and deeply in public management and social services.

3. Make every effort to create an upgraded version of “Operation Phoenix”

(1) Promote enterprise listings, mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations throughout the entire chain.

Increase the support and cultivation of enterprise share reform. Adhere to the linkage between provinces, cities and counties, improve the support policies for enterprise shareholding reform and listing, establish and improve the cultivation list, and coordinate and solve the problems encountered on a "one case, one discussion" basis. Effectively leverage the advantages of equity investment fund projects, talents and funds, and fully mobilize the resources of banks, securities, insurance and other institutions to help enterprises improve their modernity. Strengthen communication with the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges to accurately cultivate and standardize enterprises. Every year, more than 10,000 joint-stock companies are dynamically maintained, more than 1,000 key listed companies are listed and more than 100 companies are reported to the stock exchange (exchange).

Actively promote the listing of high-quality enterprises through multiple channels. Support mature companies with outstanding main businesses to list on the main board, innovative and entrepreneurial companies with strong growth potential to list on the GEM, and technology companies that are in line with national strategies and have core competitiveness to list on the Science and Technology Innovation Board. Support qualified NEEQ companies to enter the selected tier and achieve transfer to the board for listing. Support qualified high-quality companies to list overseas, encourage high-quality red-chip companies to return to domestic listings, and support listed companies to spin off subsidiaries and list them domestically and overseas.

Support refinancing of listed companies. Support listed companies to make good use of the capital market refinancing registration system and small-amount rapid financing mechanisms, and expand financing channels through private placements, allotments, preferred stocks, convertible bonds, corporate bonds, etc. Strive to pilot innovative direct financing tools and promote innovation in equity fund products and services. Financial institutions are encouraged to provide financing support to listed companies through mergers and acquisitions loans and other means.

Promote high-quality mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations of listed companies. Give full play to the main channel function of the capital market for mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations, encourage listed companies to focus on their main businesses, integrate the upstream and downstream resources of the domestic industrial chain, and accelerate the strengthening, repairing and smoothing of the chain and protecting the chain. Listed companies are encouraged to implement cross-border mergers and acquisitions to obtain imported substitution technologies, talents, brands and market resources. Support the construction of M&A project industrial parks in various places and undertake the implementation of M&A industrial projects. The amount of mergers, acquisitions and reorganizations of newly added domestic listed companies reached 300 billion yuan, forming a group of listed companies that rank among the top in global and national sub-sectors.

(2) Vigorously promote listed companies to lead high-quality development.

Promote listed companies to lead corporate technological innovation. Vigorously support listed companies in introducing and cultivating high-quality scientific research talents, taking the lead or participating in the construction of major innovation carriers and high-level R&D institutions, forming a group of innovative leading enterprises and innovation consortiums, and achieving national leadership in indicators such as R&D investment and number of patents for listed companies. Improve the technological innovation evaluation mechanism of state-owned enterprises and supply and marketing cooperatives. Promote typical practices such as science and technology enclaves and socialization of R&D institutions of listed companies to accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Promote listed companies to lead industrial optimization and improvement. Support listed companies to strengthen their industrial chains and deepen their value chains, and enhance the stability and competitiveness of their industrial and supply chains. Summarize and promote the experience of listed companies in Shaoxing in leading industrial development, encourage all localities to strengthen resource coordination, build high-energy industrial platforms relying on listed companies, promote listed companies to gather high-end elements such as talents, technology, and projects, and continue to incubate technology projects with leading effects and technology-based enterprises to create a number of modern industrial clusters led by listed companies.

Improve the governance level of listed companies. Improve the quality of information disclosure by listed companies and prevent risks such as stock pledges. Improve the financial advisory system, give full play to the professional advantages of intermediaries and the self-regulatory functions of industry associations, and provide high-quality services for the standardized development of listed companies. Strengthen cooperation between regulatory authorities, industry authorities, local governments and judicial authorities to promote the high-quality development of listed companies. By the end of 2025, we will strive to have 10 domestic and overseas listed companies with a market value of more than 100 billion yuan, 70 companies with a market value of 50 billion to 100 billion yuan, and 100 companies with a market value of 20 billion to 50 billion yuan.

(3) Deeply promote regional equity market innovation pilots. Cooperate with the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges and the National Equities Exchange and Quotations to promote the regional equity market to establish mechanisms for enterprise listing cultivation, registration information connection, and listed company listing coordination that are fully aligned with the registration system, and establish a green channel for listed companies to transfer to the New OTC Market . Optimize and integrate policy resources, and increase support in aspects such as standardization of share reform of high-quality enterprises, data sharing, market supervision docking, and government fund guidance. Expand diversified financing channels for listed companies, carry out pilot projects for private equity investment fund share registration and quotation transfer platforms in accordance with the law, build equity registration and transaction systems and enterprise growth databases, and take the lead in establishing an inclusive service system for the capital market. Strive to add 1,500 new joint-stock companies to the regional equity market and cultivate a total of 10,000 scientific and innovative small and micro enterprises.

(4) Collaborate to create a future-current linkage innovation platform.

Jointly build an integrated futures and current oil and gas trading market in the Yangtze River Delta. Relying on the advantages of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the entire oil and gas industry chain of the China (Zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone (hereinafter referred to as the Zhejiang Free Trade Zone), we will actively build a regional energy trade settlement center to enhance international pricing influence and international resource allocation capabilities. Strengthen the construction of international oil and gas trading centers, create digital trading platforms, and improve integrated service capabilities. Using equity cooperation as a link, we will deepen cooperation with the Shanghai Futures Exchange and explore new paths for building an over-the-counter commodity market.

Actively bring into play the function of futures in serving the real economy. Deepen the cooperation between futures companies and banks, insurance and other institutions, and strengthen the innovation of service models such as "futures + insurance" and "warehouse receipt pledge + OTC options" for bulk commodities. Strengthen cooperation with domestic and foreign futures and spot trading markets to develop futures bonded delivery, warehouse receipt trading, off-site transfers, futures and spot warehouse receipts mutual recognition swaps and other businesses. Strengthen cooperation between futures companies and spot dealers, leverage the risk management advantages of futures companies, and help physical enterprises hedge the risk of price fluctuations.

4. Accelerate the construction of a first-class emerging financial center in the country

(1) Digital reform leads the construction of digital finance pioneer province.

Build a digital and intelligent financial platform with Zhejiang characteristics. Explore the construction of a "financial brain", collaborate with the government, financial institutions, enterprises, and residents to comprehensively promote the integration and sharing of financial, industrial, enterprise, and public data. Open up and integrate various financial service platforms, and in accordance with the requirements of integrated and intelligent platforms, accelerate the full sharing of comprehensive application information and efficient functional coordination between the financial comprehensive service platform, corporate credit information platform and digital government, digital economy, digital society, etc., and accelerate the efficient coordination of functions among provinces and cities. The three-level county platforms are connected vertically. Build a "platform + brain" system in accordance with the requirements of unified architecture, unified platform, unified standards, unified management, and unified support, adopt an integrated data directory, establish public application support components, and create a digital intelligence platform center.

Accelerate the construction of Hangzhou as an international financial technology center. Leverage Hangzhou’s leading advantages in the digital economy and deepen the research, development and application of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain, information security and other technologies in the financial field. Cultivate a group of leading financial technology companies, support the construction of the World Bank's global digital financial center, and enhance the leading edge of financial technology. Deepen Hangzhou's pilot program for financial technology innovation supervision, establish and improve financial technology risk prevention mechanisms, implement financial information security protection systems, explore financial technology ethics, and improve financial technology supervision capabilities.

Deepen the construction of a mobile payment province. Actively strive for digital RMB pilot projects and vigorously promote the widespread application of digital payments in the whole society. We will launch a pilot program for integrating local and foreign currency bank settlement account systems, support units and individuals in using single-currency or multi-currency accounts to manage local and foreign currency funds, and launch a pilot program for simple account opening procedures for small and micro enterprises. Promote the diversified development of mobile payment tools, promote the coordinated development of mobile payments by banks and payment institutions, and take the lead in building a financial payment system that adapts to the development of the digital era.

Build multi-scenario applications for financial services. Accelerate the digital development of financial institutions, make good use of new technologies such as big data and blockchain, promote the expansion and improvement of financial services to the real economy, people's wealth management, education, medical care, tourism and other scenarios, and shape a new look of financial services in the digital era. Deepen the pilot application of financial technology, promote financial institutions to optimize business forms, improve product supply, enrich service channels, and reduce service costs. Promote financial technology to maintain integrity and innovation, and achieve stable and long-term development.

(2) Promote the construction of Qiantang River financial harbor at a high level.

Enhance the development level of the core area of Qiantang River Financial Harbor. With Qianjiang New Town and Qianjiang Century City as the core areas, we will vigorously introduce high-level financial talents, accelerate the creation of a financial innovation research and development platform, and enhance the driving force for the development of the financial industry. Promote the gathering of financial capital, talent, technology and other elements, and cultivate and develop a number of high-end headquarters financial institutions, wealth management institutions, private equity investment funds, financial technology companies and professional service institutions. Promote the interactive development of the Qiantang River Financial Harbor and the Hangzhou West Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, and continue to carry out influential financial theme activities.

Expand the development space layout of Qiantang River Financial Harbor. Taking the Qiantang River Financial Harbor Core Area as a guide, it will radiate and drive the construction of Shaoxing Linkage Area and financial agglomeration areas in cities such as Ningbo, Huzhou, Jiaxing, and Zhoushan, promote the differentiated development of "one town, one characteristic" financial towns, and form core areas, cities The joint layout of financial clusters and characteristic financial towns creates a great Qiantang River financial harbor covering the Qiantang River basin and the surrounding Hangzhou Bay area.

(3) Jointly build four major financial development characteristic zones.

Build a characteristic belt for scientific and technological innovation and financial development. Relying on the three major science and technology innovation highlands, the national independent innovation demonstration zone and the high-tech park, with Hangzhou and Jiaxing as the core areas, and the science and technology innovation corridors such as Hangzhou City West, Ningbo Yongjiang, and Jiaxing G60 as the main axis, we will strengthen the linkage of planning, policies, projects, and platforms. Promote efficient allocation and in-depth integration of finance, technology, industry, etc.

Build a characteristic belt for green financial development. Relying on the construction of the big garden, we will jointly promote the construction of the Huzhou and Quzhou green financial reform and innovation pilot zones, the Lishui ecological product value realization mechanism pilot and the Yangtze River Delta ecological green integrated development demonstration zone, and collaboratively support the co-construction of major green projects and the sharing of ecological and environmental resources.

Build a characteristic belt for inclusive financial development. Relying on the construction of the common prosperity demonstration zone, we will jointly promote the construction of the Ningbo National Insurance Innovation Comprehensive Pilot Zone, the Inclusive Finance Reform Pilot Zone, the Wenzhou Financial Comprehensive Reform Pilot Zone, the Taizhou Small and Micro Enterprise Financial Services Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone, and the Lishui Rural Financial Reform Pilot Zone. Build and share financial infrastructure such as an inclusive financial credit information system.

Build a characteristic zone for open financial development. With the open channel as the main axis and the Zhejiang Free Trade Zone Zhoushan, Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Jinyi areas as the main nodes, we will accelerate the development of marine finance, coordinate to promote cross-border investment and trade facilitation, and jointly promote financial systems, management, and services. Innovation and business development.

5. Comprehensively deepen regional financial reform and opening up

(1) Collaboratively promote the integrated development of finance in the Yangtze River Delta.

Support high-quality integrated development in the Yangtze River Delta. Support the interconnection of modern infrastructure in the Yangtze River Delta, deepen innovation in investment and financing methods, and make good use of local government special bonds and other tools to enrich capital. Actively seek to allocate resources from the headquarters of national financial institutions, promote close collaboration among regional branches, and increase financial support through syndicated loans, joint credit, joint bond underwriting, and the use of insurance funds. Models such as government-private partnership (PPP) and real estate investment trusts (REITs) in the infrastructure field will be promoted in a standardized and orderly manner to effectively guarantee construction funds for major projects such as the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the construction of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.

Collaboratively improve the Yangtze River Delta financial integration cooperation mechanism. Actively connect with major exchanges in Shanghai to promote Zhejiang corporate financial institutions to optimize their development layout in the Yangtze River Delta region. Deeply promote the construction of the Yangtze River Delta green financial information management system and credit agency alliance, and explore mutual recognition of collateral in different places. Strengthen cooperation in local financial legislation, free trade zone financial innovation, and regional financial reform, and promote the construction of mechanisms such as joint financial supervision and joint risk prevention and control.

(2) Deeply build a regional financial reform pilot zone.

Promote scientific and technological innovation and financial reform to be at the forefront of the country. Give full play to the advantages of Hangzhou's digital economy and Jiaxing's advanced manufacturing industry, support Hangzhou and Jiaxing in building science and technology innovation financial reform pilot zones, build a wide-channel, multi-level, full coverage, and sustainable science and technology innovation financial service system, and highlight the precise development of the financial supply side Support original innovation, technological innovation and industrial innovation, and promote the construction of a scientific and technological innovation community in the Yangtze River Delta.

Deepen the construction of Huzhou and Quzhou green financial reform and innovation pilot zones. Strengthen green financial resource allocation, risk management and market pricing functions, and improve green financial product services, standards and regulations, and incentive and restraint mechanisms. Support Huzhou in promulgating green finance promotion regulations and promote financial support for the construction of zero-carbon parks, zero-carbon buildings, etc. Support Quzhou to take the lead in developing financial services for agricultural carbon emission reduction and the construction of corporate carbon accounts and personal carbon accounts.

Deepen inclusive financial reform. Deepen the construction of the Taizhou small and micro enterprise financial services reform and innovation pilot zone, and continue to create a financial service model that focuses on entities, deeply cultivates small and micro enterprises, precise supply, and stable operation. Promote the construction of the Ningbo Inclusive Financial Reform Pilot Zone, take the lead in building an inclusive financial credit information system, and create a high-quality, convenient and secure financial service model for people's livelihood. Support Lishui in deepening rural financial reform, ecological product value realization mechanism and other pilot projects, deepening the integration of financial elements, system reform, service innovation, and striving to create a national inclusive financial service rural revitalization reform pilot area. Promote the pilot construction of industrial integration cooperation in Huzhou, Ningbo Yinzhou, and Jiashan.

Copy and promote a batch of mature and effective financial reform experiences. Support the Wenzhou Financial Comprehensive Reform Pilot Zone in deepening financial services for the private economy, promoting private capital to enter the financial field, and financial support for private enterprises. Support the Ningbo National Insurance Innovation Comprehensive Pilot Zone in deepening the insurance supply-side structural reform, further promoting insurance integrated innovation, technological development and factor aggregation, and promoting experience in the modernization of social governance in insurance services. Deepen Yiwu’s special reform of international trade finance and promote financial innovation to support the development of international trade and other experiences.

(3) Expand high-level two-way opening up of regional finance.

Deepen financial service innovation in free trade zones. Promote commodity investment facilitation and trade liberalization with the entire oil and gas industry chain as the core, and support high-quality and credible enterprises to explore business innovations such as cross-border RMB settlement of oil product re-export trade. Deepen the pilot program to facilitate cross-border RMB settlement and facilitate capital account income payments. Promote warehouse receipt and other pledge loan businesses, and promote sales order and other financing reforms.

Build a financial service system that is compatible with international circulation. Promote financial institutions to support Zhejiang enterprises going global and optimize financial services such as global credit, trade financing, policy financing, and multi-currency clearing. Support qualified foreign trade comprehensive service enterprises to provide one-stop comprehensive financial services for cross-border e-commerce. Give full play to the advantages of professional foreign exchange and foreign trade institutions, improve the coverage, penetration rate and protection level of export credit insurance, and help enterprises prevent exchange rate risks and external shocks. Support the State Administration of Foreign Exchange in building a research and judgment center in Zhejiang to improve the quality and efficiency of cross-border financial supervision.

Improve the international development level of the financial industry. Support foreign-funded financial institutions in Zhejiang to optimize branch layout and business development, strengthen linkage with overseas parent companies, and introduce more advanced technologies, products and management experience. Actively attract foreign financial institutions in the fields of wealth management, consumer finance, pension insurance, health insurance and other fields to enter the Zhejiang market. Actively attract overseas financial institutions to establish securities companies and futures companies in Zhejiang, and participate in the establishment and investment in bank wealth management subsidiaries and pension management companies. Encourage qualified corporate financial institutions to strengthen cooperation with advanced international financial institutions and participate in international competition. Strive to carry out pilot projects such as cross-border business of securities companies, qualified foreign limited partners (QFLP), and qualified domestic limited partners (QDLP).

6. Improve and strengthen the modern financial institution system

(1) Actively support the development of national financial institutions in Zhejiang.

Attract national financial institutions to gather resources. Give full play to the supporting role of large and medium-sized commercial banks, support policy and development financial institutions in strengthening their service capabilities, strengthen credit extension in key areas and weak links, and effectively ensure the implementation of major national strategies in Zhejiang. Actively strive for resource allocation from financial institutions such as securities, insurance, and asset management, and provide Zhejiang with strong support in equity investment, bond issuance, insurance fund utilization, financial leasing, asset disposal, etc.

Attract the establishment of various specialized financial institutions. Actively attract national financial institutions to set up subsidiaries, branches, regional headquarters institutions, professional headquarters institutions, and back-office service institutions in Zhejiang, and lay out the establishment of bills, funds, credit cards, small business finance, offshore finance, technology finance, and green finance. , inclusive finance, wealth management and other specialized institutions. Financial institutions are encouraged to establish financial technology subsidiaries and business units to expand the depth and breadth of services. Financial institutions are encouraged to open more branches, optimize the layout of outlets, decentralize service focus, and enhance financial inclusion.

(2) Make corporate financial institutions stronger and better.

Strengthen and expand the Zheshang series headquarters financial institutions. Support Zheshang Bank in improving its platform, digital, professional and lean capabilities to build a first-class joint-stock commercial bank in the country. Support Caitong Securities Company and Zheshang Securities Company in improving their comprehensive operating capabilities. Support the innovative development of futures companies and enhance the country’s leading advantages. Deepen the reform of insurance institutions and improve market-oriented operations, refined management and sustainable development capabilities. Establish financial holding companies in accordance with laws and regulations to support provincial financial holding companies to become stronger, better and bigger, and enhance their competitiveness.

We will make small and medium-sized banking institutions more refined and superior. Support urban commercial banks to focus on serving private and small and micro enterprises, strengthen prudent operations, reasonably determine their business scope, and enhance their differentiated and characteristic development advantages. Support the provincial rural credit system to be at the forefront of the country's peers, deepen the reform of the provincial rural credit cooperatives, improve risk prevention and disposal mechanisms, and enhance the ability to serve the rural credit system; support rural commercial banks in maintaining the overall stability of county legal person status, and strengthen the function of supporting agriculture and small businesses , enhance the ability to serve rural revitalization and common prosperity. Support the standardized and innovative development of private banks. Steadily promote the development of village and town banks.

Standardize and improve various local financial organizations. Accelerate the digital development of local financial organizations. Deepen the reform of the government financing guarantee institution system, build a guarantee system with provincial guarantee groups as the leader and municipal guarantee institutions as the backbone, and strengthen docking cooperation with the national financing guarantee fund. Promote financial leasing companies to support enterprise equipment updates and technology upgrades. Support commercial factoring companies in innovating supply chain financial services. Improve the ability of small loan companies and pawn shops to serve small and micro enterprises and "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Strengthen the non-performing asset disposal capabilities of local asset management companies and explore the establishment of new local asset management companies. Regulate the development of various local trading venues, private financing service enterprises, and farmers' professional cooperatives, and promote the standardization and sunshine of private financing. Financial institutions are encouraged to deepen cooperation with local financial organizations.

(3) Cultivate and expand professional financial service institutions.

Actively develop non-bank financial institutions. Encourage qualified financial institutions to establish wealth management subsidiaries and financial asset investment companies in Zhejiang, and explore the establishment of a number of new non-bank financial institutions. Promote trust companies to develop primary businesses such as wealth management trusts. Support financial leasing companies to expand the breadth and depth of leased properties and optimize financial leasing services. Support financial companies of enterprise groups to improve the efficiency of fund use. Support consumer finance companies and auto finance companies to better meet the diverse financial needs of residents.

Steady development of various investment funds. Innovate and develop government industrial funds, strengthen the linkage of government industrial funds at all levels, and strive for national industrial funds to set up sub-funds in Zhejiang. Accelerate the cultivation of private equity investment funds, support financial institutions, central enterprises, and provincial state-owned enterprises in initiating or participating in the establishment of parent funds and guidance funds in Zhejiang, and promote the development of venture capital and private equity investment. Improve the wealth management service capabilities of public funds and standardize the development of securities and asset allocation private investment funds.

Develop and expand professional service organizations. Support the development and expansion of legal, accounting, asset appraisal and other service institutions, improve professional capabilities, quality and credibility, and standardize financial-related services. Strengthen the cultivation of credit reporting agencies and credit rating agencies. Support domestic and foreign advanced financial technology companies to set up subsidiaries, branches and R&D centers in Zhejiang, and accelerate the cultivation and development of financial technology companies with core competitiveness.

7. Deeply promote regional financial security governance

(1) Improve regional financial governance capabilities.

Improve digital governance capabilities. Create a local financial digital platform to provide technical support for local financial development, local financial supervision, etc. We will build a tight "trail net" risk monitoring network and deepen the construction of "technical defense + civil defense" and "online + offline" monitoring and prevention systems. Relying on an integrated and intelligent public data platform, promote the interconnection and interoperability between digital financial platforms and comprehensive applications such as overall intelligent governance, digital government, and digital rule of law of party and government agencies, to achieve early detection, early warning, and early disposal of financial risks.

Strengthen closed-loop management and control of regional financial governance. Improve the discussion and coordination mechanism for local government financial work, and establish and improve long-term mechanisms for local financial risk assessment, monitoring and early warning, consultation and judgment, prevention, resolution, and collaborative resolution. Strengthen the main responsibilities of financial institutions, local financial organizations and relevant non-financial enterprises, standardize corporate governance, and moderate leverage operations. Strengthen the construction of industry self-discipline and other mechanisms. Strengthen cooperation between financial management departments, implement the deposit insurance system in depth, and improve the ability to deal with cross-industry and cross-market financial risks. Implement local government territorial responsibilities and improve risk emergency response capabilities. Collaborate to improve the local coordination mechanism of the Office of the Financial Affairs Commission of the State Council and deepen the construction of long-term mechanisms for regional financial governance.

(2) Improve the level of regional financial rule of law.

Promote all financial activities to be subject to supervision in accordance with the law. In accordance with the unified financial rules of the central government, the principles of licensed operation and franchising of financial businesses shall be implemented, similar businesses and entities shall be treated equally, and there shall be zero tolerance for violations of laws and regulations. Prevent the disorderly expansion of capital in the financial sector and ensure that financial innovation is carried out under the premise of prudent supervision. Implement the "Local Financial Regulations of Zhejiang Province" and speed up the improvement of supporting rules and regulations.

Strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of financial consumers. In accordance with the principles of seller's responsibility and buyer's caution, financial institutions are urged to standardize their marketing and publicity activities, prevent false publicity, exaggerated publicity, mislead customers, and prevent financial products from being provided to inappropriate investors and financial consumers. Strengthen financial knowledge education, publicity and popularization, and improve the financial security awareness and risk management capabilities of enterprises and residents. Improve the coordination and linkage mechanism for the protection of the rights and interests of investors and financial consumers.

Optimize the financial credit environment. Strengthen incentives for trustworthiness and punishment for breach of trust, deepen the construction of corporate bankruptcy reorganization, credit repair and other mechanisms, explore a personal bankruptcy system, and severely crack down on malicious debt evasion. Encourage various localities to establish financial dispute mediation institutions to resolve conflicts and disputes in the financial field in one stop. Deepen the construction of the social credit system, enhance the credit awareness of enterprises and residents, and create an honest and trustworthy social environment.

(3) Strictly adhere to the bottom line of financial risks.

Prevent and resolve risks in key areas. Adhere to the balanced development of finance, real estate and the real economy, strengthen the management of capital flows of financial institutions, local government debt risk control and state-owned enterprise debt constraints, and prevent real estate financialization and bubbles. Improve the liquidity management level of various market entities, and effectively prevent and control risks such as bond defaults of large enterprises, stock pledges of listed companies, and corporate capital chain guarantee chains. Dispose of "zombie companies" in a steady and orderly manner and strive to minimize risk losses. Prevent and resolve shadow banking risks, speed up the disposal of non-performing assets, support local corporate financial institutions to enrich capital through multiple channels, and control risks at a low level.

Strictly crack down on all types of illegal financial activities. Implement the "Regulations on Preventing and Handling Illegal Fund-raising", adhere to prevention first, strike early and deal with small problems, comprehensively manage and deal with them steadily, and improve the long-term mechanism for preventing and handling illegal fund-raising. Improve the working mechanism for cleaning up and rectifying trading venues to effectively prevent and resolve risks of private equity investment funds. We will continue to do a good job in the follow-up disposal of online lending risks, and intensify efforts to recover stolen goods and recover losses, and asset disposal. Strictly crack down on money laundering, terrorist financing and other financial crimes.

8. Strengthen planning implementation guarantees

(1) Comprehensively strengthen the party’s leadership in the financial system. Promote the integration of Party leadership into all aspects of the governance of financial institutions, and promote the comprehensive and strict Party governance of local financial institutions to develop in depth and extend to the grassroots level. Straighten out the affiliations of party organizations in local financial institutions, implement responsibilities at all levels, and promote the mutual integration and promotion of party building and financial business. Strengthen the construction of local financial work institutions and teams, and select and appoint high-quality local financial cadres who are loyal, clean, and responsible.

(2) Establish and improve supporting supporting policies. Strengthen the coordination of relevant departments at the provincial level, strengthen the coordination of finance and finance, industry, science and technology, commerce, real estate, "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", ecological environment and other fields and regional policies, adopt appropriate incentives, and guide financial institutions to strengthen their cooperation in key areas of economic and social development, Weak link support. Municipal and county (city, district) governments provide spatial guarantees and policies, elements and other supporting support for planning implementation.

(3) Strengthen the construction of financial talent teams. Improve policies and mechanisms for the training, evaluation, use, flow, and incentives of financial talents, accelerate the cultivation and introduction of high-level, in-demand financial talents, and strengthen the construction of a multi-level financial talent team. Improve the financial talent service system, strengthen financial talent identification, settlement and housing, children's enrollment and other preferential policy guarantees, so as to realize the full enjoyment of talent policies.

(4) Improve the planning implementation guarantee mechanism. Strengthen the organization and coordination, work guidance and supervision of plan implementation, and strengthen the connection between annual key tasks and plans. Establish a plan implementation evaluation, monitoring, adjustment and revision mechanism, and improve the indicator system that scientifically reflects the development level of the financial industry. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation to ensure that plans are implemented.


Source: Official website of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government